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P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; direction: ltr; widows: 2; orphans: 2; } Last May 29 and 30 in Aguachica, Cesar, the Second Regional Meeting of the Southern Bolívar Victims Chapter—South of Cesar and Catatumbo—was held. Six years after first meeting, around 250 people gathered on a new date to achieve a better balance between what have become the laws of victims, victim-peace relations and the recovery of memory.

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After a number of days of an indefinite strike in the entrance to the oil fields of oil giant Pacific Rubiales Energy, there were negotiations between the community, the multinational, and the local, regional, and national authorities in order to find possible solutions to the social crisis in the region.

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The lawyer of “Simón Trinidad,” the chief of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia –FARC- currently imprisoned in the United States, announced that the negotiations for the liberation of his defendant have advanced to “high-level talks” between the Colombian government and the United States government. The Uribismo (far right political line) and the sectors opposed to the peace process are strongly against these negotiations, but the primary efforts for the liberation of the guerrilla chief are being pushed for by delegates of President Barack Obama.

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P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; direction: ltr; widows: 2; orphans: 2; }A:link { color: rgb(5, 99, 193); } Since the arrival of the oil industry in the Colombian Amazon, multinationals have been causing a rupture with the traditional ways of living of the Nasa indigenous. Nothing is different in the in the department of Putumayo, where hooded and armed men attacked the indigenous Community of Bellavista at the beginning of this month. The Canadian multinational Gran Tierra has been showing its interest in the local oil reserves.

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The Colombian oil company Ecopetrol announced she will not be renewing mid-May-2016 the contract allowing Pacific Rubiales’ exploitation activities in the most important oil field of the country, handing over to the state-managed Colombian company the last 65 000 barrels per day of its production. The important Canadian oil extraction company Pacific Rubiales Energy has been found guilty in 2013 of a series of violations of labour and environmental rights as well as indigenous peoples’ rights by the People’s Court on extractive policies in Colombia.

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Les détails du cas de Carlos Alberto et des informations concernant celui de d'Alexander Tibacuy Laguado, arrêté peu après l'assassinat de Carlos. Ce deuxième cas semble participer de la même vague de persécutions envers le mouvement social en Colombie.

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Colombian social movement has been building peace for the past decades of social and armed conflict, looking for ways to find a negotiated solution to this conflict. A long lasting peace can only be the result of a peace process that would deal with the consequences and the causes of the conflict. Colombian social and armed conflict is rooted in the profound inequality of land distribution and has been growing with the imposition of an economic model based on extraction of natural resources: Palm oil, water, petroleum, gold, coal and other minerals.

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Members of the Indigenous community of Cerro Tijeras in northern Cauca Department, south-western Colombia, have been killed and others possibly forcibly disappeared. Further death threats against Indigenous Peoples in the area have also been reported.

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