
Today, mining companies - the majority of which are headquartered in Canada - are renewing their rhetoric and greenwashing their activities. Once again, capitalists have put their old adage “never let a good crisis go to waste” into practice: they've found a way to take advantage of the climate crisis to enrich themselves. Their solution: mine more!
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As part of her accompaniment in Colombia, artist Gabrielle Turbide had the opportunity to carry out two experimental photography workshops with the Sovereign and Community Process for Life, Justice and Peace in the municipality of Morales, in Micoahumado, and with the Colectiva Agroecológica la Matera, a space for urban appropriation located in the Manrique district of the municipality of Medellín.
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We, the Persons Deprived of Liberty (PPL - Personas Privadas de la Libertad) belonging to the Movimiento Nacional Carcelario (MNC - National Carceral Movement), isolated on the second floor of the Bello Medium Security Prison [Department of Antioquia], denounce, before national and international public opinion as well as before control bodies and human rights organizations, the grave atrocities and disproportionate use of force to which we were subjected by the Comando de Custodia y Vigilancia (Guard and Surveillance Command) of Bellavista prison, under the command of Captain Devia Molano D
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Today is the last day of the Caravan for Peace, Life and Permanence in the Territory. It has been more than four weeks travelling through the country. We started in Bogotá and went to the East of Antioquia, then to the South of Bolívar, Arauca, Chocó, Valle del Cauca and Cauca, finally arriving in Cali. We have travelled by chiva, bus and boats, traveling hundreds of kilometers.
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Les communautés et organisations membres du Congreso de los Pueblos exigent le démantèlement du paramilitarisme et des solutions devant ce qu’elles vivent sur leur territoire et nomment l’urgence humanitaire (Emergencia Humanitaria). Sans le démantèlement du paramilitarisme il n’y aura pas de paix en Colombie.
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Peasant communities, Afro and Indigenous peoples, workers, women, youth, students, urban popular sectors, human rights defenders, and environmentalists, among others, have mobilized today on several highways and cities in the country. Their objective is to denounce the presence of paramilitary groups in the territories, the ongoing genocide, and the development of a counterinsurgency strategy against the people. We demand that the national security doctrine be reformed, as it currently conceives popular movements and political opposition to the regime as internal enemies.
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Murder of social leader Narciso Beleño president of the Federación Agrominera del sur de Bolívar, -FEDEAGROMISBOL -Sign urgent action below.
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CEDINS has implemented a research and training process to build an Atlas of socio-territorial and environmental conflicts in the regions of Magdalena Medio, Sur de Bolívar, Santander, Centro y Sur del Cesar and Magdalena.
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You've said that agro-industrialization is very important and you've made a commitment to them. You emphasize the value of social and community organization, but Mr. President, there can be no agro-industrialization without the possibility of association, and there can be no association without social leaders. They are killing us, Mr. President. The assault we have suffered has been brutal. We demand a review of the collusion between the structures of the security forces and groups such as the FARC dissidents who have reconstituted the paramilitary project”. The crimes committed in Arauca and throughout the country cannot continue to go unpunished.
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During this mycology popular tour, a dozen workshops were held to share technical knowledge on mushroom cultivation, laboratory cultivation, micro-laboratory construction and production methods adapted to the region.
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