Our allies in Colombia and Canada
Allies in Colombia :

PASC has been a memer of Redher since 2006. The Network of Brotherhood and Solidarity with Colombia - RedHer - is a space for organizing among independent Colombian and transnational organizations and collectives who share common principles of international political solidarity. The RedHer facilitates mutual aid and enrichment of resistance experiences for groups from Europe, North America, and Colombia. RedHer is committed to a negotiated political solution to the social, armed conflict and operates on two thematic axes: Fighting against impunity and repression and defending natural resources, with the goal of complete justice and the respect of sovereignty and culture.
Throughout the Network, PASC supports several groups such as : Comité de integración social del Catatumbo - CISCA, Federación Agrominera del Sur de Bolívar - Fedeagromisbol, Coordinador Nacional Agrario - CNA, Equipo Jurídico Pueblos – EJP, Corporación Social Para La Asesoría Capacitación Comunitaria COSPACC, Corporación Sembrar.
In addition, PASC collaborates with the Organización Feminina Popular - OFP, Comité de Solidaridad con los Presos Políticos - CSPP, Unión Sindical Obrera - USO.
Peoples' Congress (Congreso de los Pueblos)
The Peoples' Congress is a national convergence of social and political movements, born of the indigenous mobilizations of 2008 (the Minga). It brings together proposals from different sectors (student, trade union, feminist, campesino, Afro-descendant, community, etc.), with the aim of deciding on a dignified life plan, in an exercise of autonomy. It's a people's Congress that legislates but doesn't expect approval from official bodies and institutions. As a space for convergence, the Peoples' Congress is a central player in the regional blockades, campesino strikes and popular mobilizations that have led to the general social strikes of recent years. These uprisings forced the government to open negotiations in which the Peoples' Congress demanded, among other things, a complete moratorium on all mineral-energy activities and the immediate redistribution of land to indigenous, Afro-descendant and campesino communities.
Justicia y Paz
Please note that the PASC is no longer doing accompaniment with Justicia y Paz. We worked with this organization from 2003 to 2015.
The Comision Intereclesial de Justicia y Paz is an organization dedicated to the defense of Human Rights. Based in International Human Rights law, the organization advocates for the rights of peoples to defend victims of Human Rights violations and of state terrorism in their search for truth, justice and reparation. Justicia y Paz accompanies 14 civil resistance movements countrywide whose actors come from afro-colombian, indigenous and farming communities, as well as some grassroots social organizations.
Allies in Canada

PASC has been a member of the Groupe de recherche d'intérêt public (GRIP) of Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) since February 2014. GRIP is a critical observatory, a nursery of ideas and a dissemination site for envisioning social change by offering information and tools to the UQAM community to better grasp related issues.

Réseau québécois des groupes écologistes
PASC is a member of RQGE, sharing affinities and concerns with grassroots groups across Quebec who defend the land and a different vision of our relationship with our environment. Active since 1982, RQGE is a networking forum for organizations dedicated to environmental protection and the emergence of an ecological society.

Solidarity Across Borders
Solidarity Across Borders is a migrant justice network based in Montreal, active since 2003. We are comprised of migrants and supporters, and we organize together to support individuals and families who are confronting an unjust immigration and refugee system. We engage in popular education, support work, as well as political mobilizations, including demonstrations, pickets, delegations, and direct actions.

Comité pour les droits humains en Amérique latine
Solidarity organization working to defend and promote human rights in reciprocity with social movements and communities in Latin America in the struggle for social, environmental, economic and cultural justice.
Convergence des luttes anticapitalistes
CLAC Montreal was created in January 2011 by merging the remaining committees of CLAC 2010. CLAC 2010 was a convergence of anti-capitalist individuals and groups who came together in January 2010 to coordinate an anti-capitalist mobilization against the G8-G20 Summit in Ontario.

Centre international de solidarité ouvrière

CISO is an inter-union international solidarity organization. It brings together Quebec labor organizations, grassroots groups and individual members. We develop educational and cooperative activities to raise public awareness. The aim of these activities is to create links of solidarity between workers here and abroad.

Projet Accompagnement Québec-Guatemala
Projet Accompagnement Québec-Guatemala (PAQG) is a solidarity organization based on the voluntary commitment of human rights activists. Its mission is to support Guatemalan defenders of civil, political, social, cultural and economic rights who are victims of abuse. Our volunteers accompany these activists in their fight for justice and monitor the human rights situation in the country. As for our teams in Quebec, they carry out activities designed to raise public awareness of the challenges of international solidarity and encourage mobilization and commitment.

Collectif Solidarité Québec-Pérou
The Collectif Solidarité Québec-Pérou is an independent group of Peruvians, Quebecers, Canadians and people of diverse backgrounds who have joined forces to defend human rights in Peru during the current crisis (December 2022-2023).

Ni Québec, ni Canada
Ni Québec, ni Canada is an anti-colonial, anti-racist, anti-patriarchal and anti-capitalist collective. It exists within the anarchist movement, but keeps a critical distance from it through its first and most fundamental vocation, which is to be in active struggle and solidarity with indigenous movements fighting and living in the direction of their liberation and decolonization, against patriarchy, states ("Ni Québec, ni Canada"), capitalism and all colonial structures.