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PERSECUTION OF SOCIAL MOVEMENT – developments with the murder of Carlos Alberto Pedraza and the detention of Alexander Tibacuy Laguado

Les détails du cas de Carlos Alberto et des informations concernant celui de d'Alexander Tibacuy Laguado, arrêté peu après l'assassinat de Carlos. Ce deuxième cas semble participer de la même vague de persécutions envers le mouvement social en Colombie.

ONIC condemns violent repression by government forces against members of the ORIVAC and ACIVA indigenous groups


The National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC) hereby informs all competent bodies of grave attacks that have been launched against two of its member organizations: the Regional Indigenous Organization of the Valley del Cauca (ORIVAC) and the Association of Indigenous Councils of the Pacific Region Valley (ACIVA RP)

Young members of the ZRC arbitrarily detained by militaries 27th brigade


Puerto Asís - Putumayo

6 young members of the peasant-reserve-zone were taken their freedom with the argument that they have to fulfill their military duty.

This morning the boys were taken to the 27th artillery battalion which is located in Santana where they were broad to the military garrison.

The sentence C-879 of the Constitutional Court considers this type of proceedings as an arbitrary detention.

Hooded armed mens in El Guamo, Curvarado



Ground Report

This afternoon, in the community of El Guamo, inside the collective territory of Curvarado, on land that is being ocupied ilegally by the palm company Palmadó, an hooded armed group was seen. Two days ago, they were also seen in the same place.

The hooded mans left to go in direction of "No hay como Dios" community.

16 weeks before, an hooded armed group, carrying short and long guns and identifying themselves as paramilitaries, occupy for a couple days land of El Guamo village.

Bogotá, March 30, 2013