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REMISO is the name of a campaign organized by the National Association of the Youth and Students of Colombia (ANJECO). This campaign aims at denouncing the militarization of society and supports the voices of those that object to doing their military service. The term remiso also indicates the reluctance to do something and more specifically names those who refuse to participate in their military service and don’t present themselves to that obligation. Batidas

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Read more A video on coal mining in Cesar Colombia and impacts on a community.

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We, the undersigned social and people’s organizations, religious and spiritual organizations, human rights defenders, ethnic groups, women’s groups, trade unions and political movements, hereby call for the construction of a Social Forum for Peace to help solve the social, political, and armed conflict. We invite all those interested in peacebuilding and democracy to help structure this initiative. We share this idea through the following appeal to:

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Join us for an evening where we celebrate struggles of indigenous land defense with: •Toghestiy, Hereditary Chief of the Wet'suwet'en Likhts'amisyu Clan •Shannon Chief, Shannon Chief, from the Anishnabe Nation of the Ottawa River Water •Felipe Uncacia of the U’wa people from Colombia •Natasha Kanapé Fontaine, poet and Innu activist •André Pikutelekan, traditionnalist Innu from Pessamit •Video documentaries by NOVEMBER 17th 6PM, ROOM « LA CHAUFFERIE »  IN UQAM

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It is painful to remember but even more to forget ... It is ten years now, the kidnapping and killing of Orlando Valencia taught us the limits of our action, to share the pain of a family, community, and social organizations that fight to end injustice, war and the imposition of development projects to the detriment of the autonomy, of life of local people, but also the dignity of even dare to shout, denouncing.

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