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  Posted by Medellín Editor | March 12, 2022 | Environmental, Human Rights, Featured, Indigenous People | 0 |

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On Wednesday, January 19, 2022, an attack causing several injuries and one death shook the small town of Saravena, in Arauca. It was the transportation cooperatives and the headquarters of social organizations that were targeted, and this, ocurring barely 10 days after another explosion against the headquarters of the community water company ECAAS.  

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April 28th, 2021 will be forever remembered in History as the beginning of the “Paro Nacional”, a large-scale national mobilization in Colombia. History will remember that this “Paro” for its inspiring resistance, but also for its 80 dead (Indepaz), its nearly 300 disappeared and its torture centers in grocery stores.

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Today Erika Prieto presented herself to the Prosecutor office in Bogota to face charges hold against her in one of the judicial frame up against activist of the People's Congress caused by political interference in the judicial system. Judicial frame ups are an ongoing practice of setting up activist under false evidence and false testimony having them jailed awaiting trial for up to two years stopping them from going on with their legitimate demands.

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We encourage you to invite your allies and subscribe to this email list to receive this bulletin, news from our activities and “urgent action” when injustices occur in Colombia that are attributable to the actions of Canadian companies.     To subscribe to the list

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As we finished writing this article, three people were assassinated in the city of Saravena, making 67 official massacres in Colombia this year. This article is dedicated to the victims.   A complex geopolitical region

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Anglo Gold and its Colombian Quebradona project  *This article was recently published in Colombia in action written by the Colombian Support Network. You can also read the original version here :…

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State violence against the National Strike continues

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We encourage you to invite your allies and subscribe to this email list to receive this bulletin, news from our activities and “urgent action” when injustices occur in Colombia that are attributable to the actions of Canadian companies. To subscribe to the list

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