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In Bosa, the ancestral territory of the Muisca peoples, the National Popular Assembly was held with the participation of more than 2,000 in-person and virtual delegates from different regions of the country, in an autonomous and self-organized exercise.

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Original published on : An urgent situation appears to be developing at the Costayaco oil field in Putumayo, Colombia operated by Calgary-based Gran Tierra Energy.

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On May 13, 2021, our organizations received sensitive accounts of absolutely horrific police conduct and practices which, if true, must be shocking to anyone with a human conscience. These accounts show that when there is a mentality at the highest levels of government that defines young demonstrators as “terrorist vandals” and issues the corresponding orders against them, they become targets and victims of criminal designs, with the gravest consequences imaginable.

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ALBERTO CARRASQUILLA was Minister of Finance under President Uribe (2003-2007) and under President Ivan Duque from 2018 to May 2021. This former finance minister privatized the water supply service, draining funds from already poor municipalities for his own private companies. In April 2021, he presented an obscene tax reform bill, contested from all sides. Because of all this, the Colombian state decided to reward him by nominating him for the presidency of the Development Bank of Latin America...

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Today, May 2, the Iván Duque government decided to listen to the public uproar and withdraw its regressive, damaging tax reform, a flippant attempt to inflict further suffering on the Colombian people, who have already been gravely affected by the government’s failure to adopt a coherent approach to the pandemic.

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Since April 28th, thousands of Colombians have joined the national strike which started mainly against a regressive tax reform bill proposed by the Colombian government and now has become a wider and diverse protest of indigenous, afro-descendant, peasants, workers, women and LGTBQI collectives, unions, youth, students, academics and health workers to challenge the nation’s violent and unequal order.

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SIGN ONLINE A LETTER TO THE COLOMBIAN AUTHORITIES Context: As a social and political movement in Colombia, we have been facing a strong wave of serious accusations and judicial frame ups by the National Government that seek to delegitimize the right to defend life and territories. These actions are part of a larger trend of genocidal social practices and put the lives and integrity of social leaders at risk. They also affect the communities that the leaders and organizations represent and the political work they carry out.

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We, the Congreso de los Pueblos — a Colombian social movement seeking to build popular power and dignity in life — are suffering a new wave of arbitrary detentions of our leaders. In less than twelve hours, three comrades and social leaders have been unjustly arrested across different regions of Colombia. All three are land defenders, peasant men who have dedicated their lives to their communities, struggling for el buen vivir through building popular power. 

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From la Red de Hermandad y Solidaridad con Colombia we denounce the detentions that took place on Tuesday December 15, 2020 of three of our members TEOÓFILO ACUÑA and ADELSO GALLO, and at 3 AM on Wednesday 16th ROBERT DAZA , the three of them arespokespersons of the Agrarian, Peasant, Ethnic and People’s Summit. [SIGN ONLINE]

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We encourage you to invite your allies and subscribe to this email list to receive this bulletin, news from our activities and “urgent action” when injustices occur in Colombia that are attributable to the actions of Canadian companies. To subscribe to the list

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