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Pacific Rubiales forced to leave Campo Rubiales


The Colombian oil company Ecopetrol announced she will not be renewing mid-May-2016 the contract allowing Pacific Rubiales’ exploitation activities in the most important oil field of the country, handing over to the state-managed Colombian company the last 65 000 barrels per day of its production.

The important Canadian oil extraction company Pacific Rubiales Energy has been found guilty in 2013 of a series of violations of labour and environmental rights as well as indigenous peoples’ rights by the People’s Court on extractive policies in Colombia.

Imminent Displacement of Farmers due to OXY Oil Company's pressures


On February 26th and 27th, Arauca’s police supervisor will try to force around 40 families that occupy their lands, and were dispossessed by the oil transnational OXY more than 20 years ago, out of their lands. Paramilitary threats, resistance of farmers and indigenous communities. 

The 40 families that insist on recuperating their lands despite the siege of the oil’s security forces, the police and the army have already settled back since 16 month. 

BP faces High Court trial for environmental damage in Colombia


 In 2013 BP sold its Colombian operations to Equion Energía, which is comprised of Ecopetrol and Talisman energy (51% and 49% respectively). In December 2013 Talisman also sold 12.15 % of it's shares in the Oleoducto Central S.A. project, also known as OCENSA. The content of this article is directed against BP who will be brought to justice at the High Court of the U.K. for environmental damages.

Water Contamination and the Right to Water in Colombia: The case of Campo Rubiales


In July 2013, a Canadian delegation participated in a public hearing at the Popular Tribunal on Extractive Industry Practices in Puerto Gaitain, Colombia. The purpose of the trip was to listen an array of witnesses, hear evidence and then evaluate the behaviour of Canadian oil company Pacific Rubiales Energy (PRE) in Puerto Gaitan.

CARAVAN FOR THE DEFENCE OF THE LAND from 19 to 29 August 2014, Nariño, Colombia


You are invited to join us in solidarity as part of the CARAVAN FOR THE DEFENCE OF THE LAND, which will be leaving Bogotá, Colombia next August 19, 2014 for the municipality of Samaniego, in the southern department of Nariño. This area has been impacted by intense militarlisation and mining concessions made to the multinational company ANGLO GOLD ASHANTI. The goal of the CARAVAN is to collect evidence and document the situation faced by the inhabitants of this area.