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On November 13th after more than 5 month in prison Julian Gil had an hearing, as many others he could spend month or years in prison until he could prove is inocence in a trial, for now he and his family will have to wait until the next hearing on January 21st.. Colombian activist Julian Andres Gil Reyes, in an interview from jail, speaks about the nature and motives of the proceedings against him and people’s movements.

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From the 21st to 26th of October, 2018, Montreal will be the site of the International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA) conference, hosted by Correctional Services Canada. The theme this year is "Beyond Prisons: The Way Forward." Highlighted as topics of some of the conversations are: going forward to make imprisonment and community supervision both more humane and effective, using technology to humanize corrections, and improving community engagement.

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The National Human Rights Commission of the People’s Congress, denounces to the citizens of Colombia, the authorities of control and protection of human rights, the social organizations and the national and international community, the delicate situation of persecution against our social and political organization, aggravated by the recent events that we will explain below:

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Canada should support civil organization recommendation in the UPR process, it's a great opportunity for Canada to support the peace process in Colombia. Canada can also pressure colombian government to fulfill its obligation while Colombia is in the process of being accepted in the OECD. When Canada’s Congress signed the free trade agreement it as committed to follow up on human rights issues. The critical situation of colombian social leaders, human rights defenders and community should be a priority for canadian foreign policy toward Colombia.

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We denounce the government of Colombia’s systematic persecution of the popular movement, human rights advocates, and social movement and ethnic leaders as a manifestation of the prevailing state terrorism in our country. As of April 20, more than 30 persons belonging to social movement organizations, some of them former mayors and councillors in the departments of Nariño, Cauca, and Valle del Cauca were arrested as part of ongoing attempts to criminalize protest and social mobilization.

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The story of the peasants of Arauca who resolved to eliminate coca in defence of life” After eleven years, the government of Colombia has taken the unprecedented step of claiming the credit for the eradication of coca, with no acknowledgment of the manual labour freely given by the communities to pull up illicit crops in this department.

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Here is the information and analysis bulletin on extractivism here and in Colombia of the Project Accompaniment Solidarity Colombia: La Piedra!

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Two murders over the Easter weekend highlight the danger human rights defenders are in despite the ongoing peace process Fotos of forcibly disappeared people in Colombia By Zoe PC / The Dawn News / April 4

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  Impregnation of a soil croma performed in a Cali artisanal laboratory, April 2, 2018. The result shows a strong presence of organic material and minerals, however, not available due to soil compaction. In other words, the nutrients that make up a soil are visually present but for lack of balance and energy (aeration, access to water), they remain in disharmonies: the different zones are clearly distinguishable. For more information, see chapter II of Jairo Restrepo's book.

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13 January. Colombia. “It all started on 17 September 2002. The situation with the paramilitaries was really bad around here. And then, a decade later, on 11 December 2012, they started taking legal action,” recounted a member of the community of El Guayabo y Bellaunión (Municipality of Puerto Wilches, Departament of Santander), who were evicted from their land on December 13.

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