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Since April 22nd, mobilizations continue in Colombia; this time it is the peasant, black and indigenous communities that will take the roads to oppose the government's National Development Plan (NDP). The Minga, a social camp of the indigenous and peasant communities of Cauca, ended recently after 27 days of blockades reacting on the decision of President Ivan Duque to sit at the table. However, on April 9th, the president, who was only a few hundred meters from the meeting, decided to turn back leaving his "chair empty".

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As every year, the Red de Hermandad y Solidaridad con Colombia (REDHER) and the PASC invite you to a caravan for a few days to meet Colombian social organizations and learn about their struggles to defend the territory. Caravans are a mechanism used by Colombian organizations to break the isolation of communities dispossessed by war and its economic interests. They are composed by a group of observers from different national and international sectors.

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Dana Farraj is Palestinian. She studied law in her country and did a four-month internship in Colombia with Equipo Jurídico Pueblos. Dana is part of the Palestinian movement known as PULSE (Palestinian people united for freedom, solidarity, and emancipation), which in turn is a component of a youth forum called Nabd. In the formal presentation of PULSE, “the need arises for convergent initiatives and movements that fight for freedom and justice against oppression, exploitation, and discrimination around the world.

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The strategy of criminalizing protest and social leaderships reached the Eastern Antioquia. On Friday, March 8th, members of the Fiscalía’s C.T.I. arrested Ancísar de Jesús Morales in the main park of San Francisco, a municipality located in the eastern forest subregion of Antioquia. Ancísar is a counselor in the municipality and is a member of the board of directors of the Asociación Campesina de Antioquia (ACA), an organization that in turn is part of the Movimiento Social por la Vida y la Defensa del Territorio (Movete).

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We are the grassroots of the Indigenous and Afro-Colombian peoples, the peasants, and the city neighbourhoods

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Canacol Energy Ltd. is a Canadian gas and exploration company that was founded by CEO Charle Gamba in 2008 and is traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange. The company’s head office is located in Alberta, Canada however its extractive projects and operations are carried out in resource-rich Colombia. On their corporate website, Canacol outlines their broad mandate and highlights their commitment to corporate responsibility.1 The company claims to:

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We denounce the detention of Julián Andrés Gil Reyes on June 6th 2018. We invite you to send your letters online to the Colombian authorities.

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Here is the information and analysis bulletin on extractivism here and in Colombia of the Project Accompaniment Solidarity Colombia: La Piedra! This bulletin consists of an electronic version (below) we encourage you to invite you your allies and subscribe to this email list to receive this bulletin, news from our activities and “urgent action” when injustices occur in Colombia that are attributable to the actions of Canadian companies. We put you on this list because you were on our old mailing lists or we think you should be interested to follow our activities.

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On October 9, 2018, more than 1,500 people gathered at the Claretiano School in Bosa, in the south of Bogota, Colombia, to begin the Popular and People’s Legislative Assembly. This assembly is a space that seeks to build a proposal of unity of Colombian social movements, an agenda of mobilization against the policies of current government and a Popular Mandate that synthesizes the claims of territorial struggles. This event will culminate tomorrow on October 12.

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Students in Colombia continue their strike for public education Negotiations between the national government and the student movement were suspended after the former refused to negotiate on granting more financial resources in 2018. The students will continue their mobilization and are preparing for a major day of action on November 8

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