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BOGOTA – The Colombian government has passed a law to allow the holding of a popular referendum on a possible peace agreement with the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebel group on the same day as elections in the country, officials said.

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In July 2013, a Canadian delegation participated in a public hearing at the Popular Tribunal on Extractive Industry Practices in Puerto Gaitain, Colombia. The purpose of the trip was to listen an array of witnesses, hear evidence and then evaluate the behaviour of Canadian oil company Pacific Rubiales Energy (PRE) in Puerto Gaitan.

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Colombian officials and leftist FARC rebels returned to the bargaining table in Cuba in the past week, with both sides saying their two-year-old peace negotiations were on a stronger footing after having survived their first major crisis. The conversations were frozen Nov. 16 by President Juan Manuel Santos after the guerrillas captured Brig. Gen. Rubén Alzate, the highest-ranking military official ever to fall into rebel hands.

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This morning, a pamphlet from the paramilitary group Aguilas Negras (Black Hawks) circulated by email, this time threatening the death of journalists, communicators, and members of popular media agencies and groups, including Colombia Informa. A couple days ago, they also threatened Canal Capital, Telesur, and Reporteros Sin Fronteras. This strategy of terror that uses the force of repetition and abruptness, does not achieve the desired effects. Instead, it reinforces the networks of denouncement and solidarity.

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Prisoners in Colombia have recently gained new visibility.  Prisoner protest actions are one factor.  Another is discussion at the Havana peace talks of prisoners as victims of armed conflict.  November 2014 marks the two-year anniversary of talks between the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the Colombian government.

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Inmates from all over Colombia have initiated a period of strikes and civil disobedience in response to what they call a “criminal, unjust, and elitist policy.” They are denouncing the prison and jail system which subjects them to a bad diet, severely lacks in its provision of health care, is ineffective in dealing with legal and administrative procedures, and has violated human rights.   The call for action was made by the National Prison Movement (MNC) with the intention to position these demands before public opinion, and thus put pressure the government to solve the prison crisis in Colomb

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More than 600 people from all over the country met in the city of Bogota the 15th of October, the National Day of the Political Prisoner and Detainee, to reflect on the peace talks, political crime, and the situation of political prisoners in Colombia and in the world. As a result of this conference, family members and friends of the political prisoners from different regions of the country, recognized analysts and researchers, human rights defenders from countries such as Argentina, Chile, Basque Country, Palestine and Venezuela, we declare that:

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Villavicencio, Colombia. Two community activists have been murdered in the Colombian department of Meta in the last month and a half, in what oil and energy sector union USO condemns as a new chapter in a long history of systematic violence designed to weaken community and labor organizations in this petroleum-rich region.

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 In 2013 BP sold its Colombian operations to Equion Energía, which is comprised of Ecopetrol and Talisman energy (51% and 49% respectively). In December 2013 Talisman also sold 12.15 % of it's shares in the Oleoducto Central S.A. project, also known as OCENSA. The content of this article is directed against BP who will be brought to justice at the High Court of the U.K. for environmental damages.

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