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Indigenous Authorities of Caldas denounce the Canadian mining company Medoro Ressources


We, the Indigenous Authorities of the Cañamomo - Lomaprieta Rio Sucio y Supía (Caldas) denounce before State institutions and agencies addressing Human Rights, the Ministry of Interior and Justice, the Attorney general of the organization, International agency with Human rights mandate, NGOs and general public opinion :

Call on Colombian government to stop paramilitary tour of terror in Southern Bolivar


"Complaints have been persistent, warning about the increased presence of paramilitaries in the majority of municipalities in the south of Bolivar.  More than forty murders, massacres, and forced displacements in the municipalities and outlying areas of Tiquisio and Montecristo, hamlets of Malena, centre Quebrada, Tagual, Pinch, Tenche and other nearby cities have been brought to the attention of the national and departmental (state) governments.  Local communities have mobilized to demand the protection of the national government.

Defender at risk after house break-in

Information documenting human rights abuses was stolen from the home of Danilo Rueda, a Colombian human rights defender. He is a member of the organization Inter-Church Commission of Justice and Peace, whose members have previously received death threats. On 13 May, someone broke into the Bogotá home of Colombian human rights defender and member of the NGO Inter-Church Commission of Justice and Peace (Comisión Intereclesial de Justicia y Paz), Danilo Rueda. He returned to find books thrown on the floor, folders open and his computer running.

Paramilitary presence and acts to repopulate the region continue in Curvarado


Second bad-faith invasion and occupation of collective properties, intense paramilitary presence, and steps taken to repopulate in new areas of Curvaradó collective territory.

The following is our most recent Historical Documentation and Ethical Censure to continued controlling paramilitary operations amidst Brigade Seventeen, between Brisas, Curvaradó and Ríosucio. Pressures and intimidations by regular soldiers against Guillermo Díaz, a member of the Lower Council of Llano Rico, and an inhabitant of the Humanitarian Zone Argenito Díaz.

Stalking, set-ups and attacks plotted against Justicia y Paz

September 16th, 2010 In the morning of September 14th, the Comission of Justicia y Paz, an organization defending human rights, was informed that a concerted plan had been set up against them a few weeks ago. Stalking, telephone and electronic interceptions, the use of a smear campaign, a judiciary set-up and eventual attacks against life and physical integrity of members are part of the plan. This operation is settled in order to harm these human rights defenders: ABILO PEÑA, DANILO RUEDA and ALBERTO FRANCO.

Deportation of an international investigator from Colombia


Christina Friederika Muller deported from Colombia.

Investigator with Masters in Communications We, the below signed organisations, members of the Network of Solidarity and Friendship with Colombia denounce to the national and international community the deportation from Colombia of Christina Friederika Muller, a German citizen who was providing accompaniment to Human Rights Organisations. We categorically reject this arbitary and unjust actions carried out by the Colombian Security Service (DAS) in the city of Cali.

Death threats sent to Human Rights organizations

On 10 April 2008, several social and human rights organizations received a threatening email from a paramilitary group called "Águilas Negras, Bloque Norte de Colombia" ( Black Eagles, North Division of Colombia). The group declared as targets for assassination members of the Southern Bolivar Agricultural-Mining Federation (the Federation), Sembrar Corporation (a human rights organization), the Program for Development and Peace in the Middle Magdalena (Programa) and the parish priests of two rural communities, Tiquisio and Regidor, in southern Bolivar province.