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Dismantling Paramilitarism and Solutions Now !

Peasant communities, Afro and Indigenous peoples, workers, women, youth, students, urban popular sectors, human rights defenders, and environmentalists, among others, have mobilized today on several highways and cities in the country. Their objective is to denounce the presence of paramilitary groups in the territories, the ongoing genocide, and the development of a counterinsurgency strategy against the people. We demand that the national security doctrine be reformed, as it currently conceives popular movements and political opposition to the regime as internal enemies.

Physical attack on Cajar’s lawyer


We condemn the physical attack on Cajar’s lawyer, Santiago Salinas Miranda, and the harassment against members of this human rights organization

Bogotá, January 10th, 2024

The José Alvear Restrepo Lawyers’ Collective (Cajar) denounces to the public opinion and the national and international community that the organization’s lawyer, Santiago Salinas Miranda, was the victim of a physical attack on Monday, January 8th. The attack was carried out by two women who had harassed other members of this human rights organization in the past.

Solidarity with Political Prisoners

PASC is active in the fight against imprisonment and in solidarity with political prisoners.

In Colombia, we work with Equipo Jurídico Pueblos and Comité de Solidaridad con Presos Políticos. We disseminate information about the situation in prisons and the precarious conditions in which prisoners find themselves.    


The status of "political prisoner”

Political prisoners are imprisoned on the basis of their political stance and/or their actions in opposition to State policies.


Arrest of a Peoples' Congress activist Erika Prieto


Today Erika Prieto presented herself to the Prosecutor office in Bogota to face charges hold against her in one of the judicial frame up against activist of the People's Congress caused by political interference in the judicial system. Judicial frame ups are an ongoing practice of setting up activist under false evidence and false testimony having them jailed awaiting trial for up to two years stopping them from going on with their legitimate demands.

Canadian organizations call for unequivocal commitment to peace and respect for human rights in Colombia


September 20, 2019
On the eve of the International Day of Peace, the undersigned Canadian organizations are joining
to express their profound concern over an escalating human rights crisis in Colombia and
continued threats to the Colombian peace process.
In 2016, a historic peace agreement was reached between the Government of Colombia and the
Armed Revolutionary Forces of Colombia (FARC), with great hope of bringing an end to 52
years of armed conflict. Less than one month ago, the peace process was dealt a serious blow

Solidarity with prison strike from colombian prison's


“The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.”
Karl Marx

September  9 2016.
The struggle against oppression, ignominy, for freedom, respect, equality, dignity and against slavery; begun today by prisoners in the prisons of 24 states of the United States and it shows once again the resistance and decorum of the people to shout to the world that it doesn't matter the place, the situation and much less the condition where one has to fight, the right of the people to rise up against tyranny will always be unalienable.

Colombia: Security forces must refrain from excessive use of force during rural protests



6 juin 2016

The Colombian authorities must ensure that the security forces, in particular the ESMAD anti-riot police, refrain from using disproportionate and excessive force against demonstrators, Amnesty International said today as a nationwide protest by rural communities enters its second week.

A caravan in defense of life and territory: Impunity still on its pedestal


« Without the river, I can’t laugh, I can’t dream, I can’t live: rivers for life, not death! »  This quote is taken from one of the testimonies that moved the activists that took part in the Caravan for the Defense of Life and Territory, an event that took place from the 15th to the 28th of August 2015. This event was organized by the The Network for Fraternity and Solidarity with Colombia.