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Six military personnel of the 17th Brigade accused ALEX JEFERSON MORENO (a motorist of the associated families in Communities of Auto-determination, Life and Dignity of Cacarica, CAVIDA for its Spanish acronym) of being a supporter of the guerrilla, and subsequently threatened him with death. The death threat occurred in Bocas de Limón, 10 minutes from a Humanitarian Zone of CAVIDA, at 11 a.m. October 19th.


*Thursday, October 19th, at 11 a.m., 6 military personnel of the 17th Brigade, approached ALEX JEFERSON MORENO, a motorist of CAVIDA, in Bocas de Limón. They accused ALEX of transporting the guerrilla (making reference to the persons of CAVIDA, and the national and international accompaniment). The young aforcolombian affirmed that these were false accusations and that those embarking with CAVIDA were only its members and persons that support the community in their Project of Life. The military personnel then threatened him saying "One of these days we're going to send you a bomb, you can't save yourself." *Monday, October 30th, the Comision de Justicia y Paz (the Comission of Justice and Peace), that morning, gained access to the documents in which is outlined the protocol of a "Strategic Aliance", written in april of 2005 between NIKOLAI STRSBERG GONZALEZ, representing the company MULTIFURITS S.A., and a member of the Major Council of Cacarica. The mentioned "aliance", is for an initial period of 50 years, the first stage was initiated with the giving of 20 000 hectares of land within La Balsa, La Balsita, Varsovia, and Bandito Bocachico. Aswell, a contract came into knowledge, a certain "Agriculture by Contract", signed between the comany CI MULTIFRUIT S.A. and the company DEL MONTE, situated in California USA. It's an 8 year contract, renewable, in which the U.S. company aquires the entire harvest of plantain, cocoa, and palm oil, (amongst others) that is initially produced in the communities of Blasita, Varsovia, San José de Blasa, and Bandito Bocachico, villages situated within the collective territory of Cacarica. from COMISION INTERECLESIAL DE JUSTICIA Y PAZ translated by PASC