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The 62 social organizations that sign this document demand that the government take actions to guarantee protection of the integrity and health of the population deprived of liberty in the penitentiary and prison systems. Shots and assaults have been used since 9.30 p.m on March 21, 2020 against people who are demanding effective sanitary measures which will prevent them from being infected with the virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome Sars-Cov 2 (COVID-19).


1. In Colombian prisons there are abrupt violations of Human Rights, the level of overcrowding exceeds 200% and prisons do not have the minimum hygiene protocols required in this moment in which Sars-Cov 2 virus (COVID-19 ) in spreading.

2. Entry for visitors was suspended 10 days ago, however, the personnel who enter and leave the INPEC do not have any sanitary measures that contain the virus, and food is prepared by external personnel without sanitary rigor.

3. INPEC has not allowed the entry of liquid or antibacterial soap, but it does allow the entry of some relatives, in an evident act of corruption.

4. 4. Health care is provided by 2 doctors for every 5,000 people deprived of liberty and these do not have supplies of essential medicines.

5. 5. On March 18, 2020 the “National Prison Movement” made the following demands:

A. The declaration of a national emergency in prisons.

B. Allow another type of custodial sentence, different from intramural, for pregnant and lactating women, the unionized and the elderly, in order to decongest the prison system and avoid health risks for this vulnerable population.
C. Declare the quartering of the INPEC guard staff, as there is no control of the spaces that they transit outside prisons; as well as opting for the prevention and hygiene measures necessary before entering the centers.

D. Guarantee the accompaniment of state health entities, headed by the health ministry.

E. Guaranteed supply of non-perishing food products in commissaries to complement the deficient diet provided in prisons.

6. On March 18, 2020, the “National Prison Movement” summoned “family, friends and all penitentiary centers of the country to join the NATIONAL CACEROLAZO, demanding the declaration of a prison emergency, on SATURDAY, MARCH 21 2020 at 9 pm. ”

7.  During the development of the cacerolazo which  is carried out in 14 penitentiary and prison centers of the country such as:

● Bogotá Metropolitan Prison and Penitentiary Complex "COMEB" – Picota

● High and Medium Security Penitentiary Establishment and Prison with High Security of Cómbita

● Jamundí Prison and Penitentiary Complex

● Ibagué Picaleña Prison and Penitentiary Complex "COIBA

● Medium Security Penitentiary Complex of Bogotá "La Modelo"

● "El Buen Pastor" Women's Seclusion

It is known that the INPEC carried out strong aggressions against the exercise of protest and demand that the people deprived of liberty carried out.

8. After some people deprived of liberty were hit by projectiles, the situation became chaotic in establishments such as the Bogotá "La Modelo" Medium Security Penitentiary Complex and the Bogotá "COMEB" Metropolitan Penitentiary and Prison Complex - Picota, The people deprived of their liberty report that they shot at prisoners indiscriminately, regardless of if you were participating in the protest or not.

9. A number of videos of wounded, seriously injured and apparently dead people taken on March 21 in Colombian prisons circulate on social networks. 

10. 10. The CRI - Command of Immediate Reaction, CORES - Operational Command of Special Remissions, INPEC - National Penitentiary and Prison Institute, National Police and the National Army are present in the prison and penitentiary establishments during this protest.


1. Immediately cease the use of firearms against the prison population and guarantee that no retaliation will be taken.

2.  Declare a state of emergency as requested by the prison movement. Protect the health, integrity and life of the prison population.

3. Appropriate sanitary measures taken to prevent the spread of covid-19 to the prison population

4. Clarify the events that occurred during the cacerolazo of March 21, 2020 and find those responsible for the excessive use of indiscriminate force.

5. The names of the injured inmates are clearly reported and adequate health care is guaranteed. Likewise, it is publicly reported if deaths happened and the circumstances in which these occurred.

6. A verification commission with the participation of the Public Ministry, family members, and civil society organizations should be immediately established, with the due guarantees of mobility and biosecurity to establish what happened on March 21.

7. The preservation of the scene is immediately guaranteed.

We remind everyone that the life and integrity of the population deprived of liberty is the responsibility of the State. Furthermore, the State has a responsibility regarding the protection of human rights, which falls in accordance with the constitutional principles and the articles of the international treaties and Agreements signed by the Colombian State, making it the subject responsible for ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Political Charter and for being the one that acquires human rights commitments with the international community. For this reason, its greatest legal duty is to prevent violations of these rights and take the necessary measures to investigate, identify, judge and punish those responsible for their action or omission, or take corrective measures of an administrative or political nature to prevent the persistence of these crimes.

With a copy to: Presidency of the Republic, Vice President of the Republic, Ministry of Defense, Interior Ministry, Ministry of Justice, National Penitentiary and Prison Institute, Attorney General of the Nation, Presidential Program for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, Attorney General of the Nation´s Human Rights Unit and International Humanitarian Law.

1. Comision Nacional De Derechios Humanos  Congreso De Los Pueblos
2. Coordinador Nacional Agrario CNA
3. Fundación Pasos 
4. Fundacion Comité de Solidaridad con los Presos  Politicos  FCSPP
5. Corporacion de Derechos Humanos Jesus Maria valle jaramillo
6. Red De Hermandad y Solidaridad Con Colombia-REDHER
7. Equipo Juridico Pueblos EJP
8. Red Universitaria Distrital de Derechos Humanos –REDHUS
9. Comité Permanente Por La Defensa De Los Derechos- CPDH
10. Comision De Derechos Humanos  USO
11. Periferia Prensa Alternativa
12. Movimiento por la Defensa de los Derechos del Pueblo- MODEP
13. Proyecto de Educación Popular Estanislao Zuleta -PEPEZ
14. Proyecto Acompañamiento Solidaridad Colombia  (Canadá)
15. Red Popular Caminando La palabra
16. Colectivo de Derechos Humanos José Martí
17. Asociacion Agrominera Del Sur De Boliva –ASAMISUR
18. Comité de Solidaridad Internacionalista de Zaragoza (CSIZ)
19. Escudos Azules
20. Corporación para la Educación y la Investigación  Popular - Instituto Nacional Sindical - CED - INS
21. La Piedra En EL Zapato –Comunicación Popular - LPZ
22. Asociacion De Familias  Agromiineras del Sur De  Bolivar y Antioquia –AFASBA
23. Asociacion  De Campesinos en Via de Extincion – ASCAVEX
24. Asociacion  Agrominera  de Amalfi y Anioquia – ASAGRAMA
25. Comision De Iterlocusion  Del Sur De Bolivar, Norte Y Sur Del Cesar –CISBSC
26. Comité de Integracion Del Nordeste Antioqueño – CIANA
27. Federacion Agrominera Del Sur De Bolvar –FEDEAGROMISBOL
28. Asociacion Agrominera Del Bajo Cauca –ASOAGROMICAUCA
29. Corporación para el desarrollo económico, social, cultural,  ambiental y organizativo – SURCOS
30. Proceso Popular Quinua 
31. Asociación Campesina Agroecologica de San Lorenzo
32. Colombian Corporation Of Criminal Investigative And Humans Rigths - CORPOCIC HR
33. Fundación Para La Promoción De La Justicia Javier Alberto Barriga –FUNJAB
34. Asociación Para La Investigación  Y Acción  Social Nomadesc 
35. Campaña Prohibido Olvidar.  
36. Universidad Intercultural De Los Pueblos
37. Unión Sindical Obrera –Bogotá
38. Asociación De Mujeres Y Hombres De Triana, Asoagros -CNA
39. Casa Taller Antonieta Mercure.
40. Comité De Mujeres  Corteras De La Caña.
41. Corporación Social Para La Asesoría Y Capacitación Comunitaria COSPAC 
42.  la Asociación Red ITOCO
43. Asociación Jacinto, Asojacinto,  vereda Yumbillo, Yumbo Valle
44. Voces en lucha - Comunicación Popular
45. Movimiento de mujeres por la Vida de Cajibio y Popayán en Cauca.b
46. Fuerza Nacional Magisterial FUNAMA
47. Procesos Obrero Sindicales Congreso De Los Pueblos
48. Colectivo Estudiantil Independiente
49. Ciudad En Movimiento 
50. Asociación Red de Defensores y Defensoras de Derechos Humanos –DHColombia
51. Corporación Jurídica Ius Huamanitas
52. Colectivo Por La Defensa Y La Dignidad Humana "Chucho Minga"
53. Asociación Minga
56. Humanidad Vigente Corporación jurídica
57. Plataforma Aguante Popular, Sembrando Resistencia.
58. Asociación Campesina de Antioquia. 
59. Mesa de Ddhh del oriente Antioqueño. 
60. Asociación de Pequeños y Medianos Productores del Oriente Antioqueño.
61. Colectivo Tulpa Comunitaria
62. Asociación De  Familiares Y Amigos De Los Internos De La Cárcel De Cúcuta  -Asofamintercuc