Today, mining companies - the majority of which are headquartered in Canada - are renewing their rhetoric and greenwashing their activities. Once again, capitalists have put their old adage “never let a good crisis go to waste” into practice: they've found a way to take advantage of the climate crisis to enrich themselves. Their solution: mine more!
News and events

As part of her accompaniment in Colombia, artist Gabrielle Turbide had the opportunity to carry out two experimental photography workshops with the Sovereign and Community Process for Life, Justice and Peace in the municipality of Morales, in Micoahumado, and with the Colectiva Agroecológica la Matera, a space for urban appropriation located in the Manrique district of the municipality of Medellín.

We, the Persons Deprived of Liberty (PPL - Personas Privadas de la Libertad) belonging to the Movimiento Nacional Carcelario (MNC - National Carceral Movement), isolated on the second floor of the