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Context: The Project Accompaniment and Solidarity Colombia (PASC) works with the Justice and Peace Commission (Justicia y Paz) to defend and to assert the rights of the Afro-Colombian communities of Curvarado and Jiguamiando who suffered a forced displacement in 1997 during a joint military operation of the National Army and paramilitary groups. We support the struggle for the reclamation of their lands, sown illegally with African Palm plantations, by accompanying the communities who engage in civil resistance.

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These are prosperous times for Canadian mining and oil companies extracting resources from Colombia.  "We have at least four exploration wells to be drilled throughout Colombia with large value additions for our company," said Scott Price, a spokesperson for Solana resources, an oil and gas company headquartered in Calgary, Alberta.

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The Association for the Promotion of Social Alternatives, MINGA, the Progresar Foundation and the Committee of Social Integration in Catatumbo, CISCA, denounce before the national and international community the aggravation of the human rights crisis in the Catatumbo region, Norte de Santander department (province), resulting from the atrocities committed by presumed members of public forces against the peasant farming communities.

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Projection of the film Palm Empire: State Crimes and Civil Resistance in Colombia and discussion with members of Project Accompaniment and Solidarity Colombia Wednesday, October 17th, 6 pm At the Ottawa Public Library 120 Metcalfe, Ottawa *Free entrance* Presented by the Collective Outaouais Simon Bolivar and L’Autre version - La revue de la nouvelle et de l’histoire Sponsored by Café Justicia and La Tierra Coop

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Position Paper of the Global South on Food Sovereignty, Energy Sovereignty and the transition towards a post-oil society. A first meeting of groups from the South was held in Ecuador-0 latitude 27th June-1st July 2007, to discuss agrofuels and the challenge of "development" in a post petroleum society.

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Walking through the streets of the bustling city centre in Bucaramanga with Paola, I mentioned the name of a guerrilla group, the ELN, when she shushed me at the sound of the revolutionary army’s name, seemingly scared of open discourse about rebel groups. ‘Y por qué?’ I asked why. ‘La represión!’ she whispered. Paola isn’t scared, just reasonably cautious. Months ago Paola received a written death threat for her social involvement.

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Cano Manso leaders received gunshot wounds during an operation in Belén de Bajirá Reminder: Afro-Colombian communities of the Curvarado and Jiguamiando underwent a forced displacement in 1997during a joint operation by the national army and paramilitary forces. The return of the communities to their land, now covered in African Palm tree plantations, is currently taking place under the menace of the paramilitary and the inaction of government authorities.

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The PROJECT ACCOMPANIMENT AND SOLIDARITY COLOMBIA invites you on ***** Saturday September 22nd ***** at Café coop TOUSKI 2361, Rue Ontario E., Montreal - 6 pm Benefit supper - 7:30 pm Four militants from PASC recently returned from Colombia come to share their experiences within the communities fighting against the palm plantations in Curvarado, communities in a struggle for life and territory in Catatumbo and Colombian political prisoners - Photography exposition "Civil Resistance Communities in Colo

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The Colombian government is embarking on a massive expansion of oil palms, sugar cane and other monocultures for agrofuels and other markets at the expense of rainforests, biodiverse grasslands and local communities. Sugar cane monocultures are being expanded in the Cauca Valley, whilst hundreds of thousands of hectares are being turned into oil palm plantations in the Pacific region, the eastern planes and the Caribbean region.

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On June 21st, Luis Alberto, who I know better as ‘Janio’, was walking back to his home in the Humanitarian Zone of El Tesoro when he was assaulted by five illegally armed paramilitaries, who tied him up for half an hour, kicking him and threatening to kill him, accusing him and other community members of being guerrillas. Now, two weeks later I wonder if Janio is, like me, still recovering from the shock of the event.

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