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Mobilize and Protest against George Bush, Stephen Harper and Felipe Calderon at the meeting of the "Security and Prosperity Partnership" (SPP) :::::::::: AUGUST 19-21, 2007 MONTEBELLO, QUEBEC (Between Ottawa and Montreal) :::::::::: ::::: DAYS OF ACTIONS IN MONTEBELLO (August 19&20) ::::: - Sunday, August 19 – Creative resistance and popular education against the SPP August 19 will be a day of creative resistance and popular education against the SPP in the Montebello-area.

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On August 20 and 21 2007, the leaders of Mexico, Canada and the United States, Felipe Calderon, Stephen Harper and George W. Bush will be meeting in Montebello, Quebec. Their goal is to push forward the economic integration of our resources for the profits of an elite minority, and the continued militarization of our borders. Their meeting will take place in the Chateau Montebello, part of the luxurious Fairmount chain of hotels. It already lies behind barbed-wire fences on the shore of the Ottawa River, and will soon be further isolated by police barricades.

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Colombia: One of world’s most dangerous places for trade unionists Press release, 07/03/2007

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One can hardly open a newspaper today without being exposed to the promise of a new era of plentiful green energy that humanity is about to enter. Although the oil companies will continue to pump oil for a long time to come, a growing consensus is emerging that it is high time to start reducing the amount of oil that we burn, as it is one of the main causes of climate change, air pollution and other environmental disasters.

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Amnesty international USA Info about paramilitary "demobilisation" Video Colombia Clean : Colombia Clean

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In one more proof of the persecution to which we are submitted in Colombia, dark forces try to stain the name of the ACEU and of some of its leaders in order to accuse them of flirting with illegal actions and organizations.

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150,000 Citizens Threatened in Armed Conflict 45 neighbourhoods in Ciudad Bolivar, a municipal district of Bogotá, are the site of a conflict between guerrillas, paramilitary groups, street gangs and the Army. Since January there have been 94 homicides in the area, including 13 last month. Victims were mostly youth, 19 to 27 years old, targeted as either paramilitary informants, guerrillas, drug dealers or gang leaders.

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Bulletin #16: Series about victims' rights and the application of Law 975 Three initiatives of law on earth make difficult the right to reparation The government has presented two law proposals to the Congress that allow the legalization and misappropriation of lands by paramilitary groups, and the destination of the state's budget to finance 'productive' projects on the land.These measures endanger the right of restitution as a way of reparation for all the misappropriations to millions of victims that have been exposed to violation of human rights; they also go against

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CONTINUING THE STRATEGY OF ANGLO GOLD ASHANTI Threats against international organizations in Colombia International and national organisations accompanying the communities of Sur de Bolívar have been threatened alongside miners leaders

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