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Report of the Canadian delegation to Colombia to participate in the public hearing on the oil company Pacific Rubiales Energy under the auspices of the People’s Tribunal on the Natural Resource Extraction Industry in Colombia August 2013 Download in PDF  

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We, the People’s Congress, continuing with the days of protest during the National Peasants’ Stoppage, call to and participate actively in the Indigenous, Social and Grass-Root Minga, for Life, Territory, Autonomy and Sovereignty.

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  While the government is rounding off the agreements that have been signing with the farmers, based on the 21 days of the agricultural strike, the native indigenous community of the country made an announcement of a sourge of marchs that will start this monday october 14th, in which will take part more than 120 000 indigenous.

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The Committee for Solidarity with Political Prisoners Foundation expresses its solidarity with the MINGA SOCIAL INDIGENA Y POPULAR , and invites social movements, unions and NGO's to accompany and support this action. On October 14th, the Indigenous peoples, communities, organizations and authorities of Colombia will begin the MINGA for society, for Indigenous peoples, for life, land and sovereignty. (General blockade of the country)

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On 30 September 2013, human rights defender and campesina leader Ms Adelinda Gómez Gaviria was killed in Almaguer, Cauca region. Adelinda Gómez Gaviria worked with the Proceso de Mujeres Maciceñas in the Comité de Integración del Macizo Colombiano – CIMA (Macizo Women's Process for the Committee for Macizo-Colombian Integration). She played an active role in the Mining and Environmental Forum in Almaguer, which has 1,500 indigenous and farming members.

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"The system works.  The overwhelming majority of Canadian mining companies are world leaders in responsible mining practices... The corporate social responsibility counsellor's review process is a common sense approach that enjoys broad support within the mining community."

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Amnesty International is deeply concerned that for the second year in a row, the Canadian government’s required report to Parliament about human rights and the Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA) fails to contain any analysis about human rights realities in Colombia.

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Puerto Asís - Putumayo 6 young members of the peasant-reserve-zone were taken their freedom with the argument that they have to fulfill their military duty. This morning the boys were taken to the 27th artillery battalion which is located in Santana where they were broad to the military garrison. The sentence C-879 of the Constitutional Court considers this type of proceedings as an arbitrary detention.

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Urgent Action: government urged to halt paramilitaries Paramilitaries are threatening to kill Afro-descendants in the Cacarica River Basin in north-western Colombia. There is an imminent threat of forced displacement.

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