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Project Accompaniment and Solidarity with Colombia (PASC) is currently recruiting international volunteers to accompany communities and social organizations in Colombia throughout 2014. For over 10 years, the PASC collective has promoted an anti-imperialist vision of international solidarity through accompaniment that provides protection, promotes autonomy and builds mutual solidarity between social movements in Quebec and Colombia.

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It is with grave concern to see the upcoming Pam American Food Festival at the Harbourfront Centre in Toronto being sponsored by Pacific Rubiales Energy; a Canadian based oil and gas company listed on the Toronto and Colombian stock exchanges.  Pacific Rubiales Energy has been accused of being engaged in serious human, Indigenous, environmental and labour rights violations in Colombia. These abuses have been well documented by Colombian civil society and also Canadian based organizations.

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This bulletin consists of an electronic version (below), but also a PDF version

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By any measure one of the most entrenched and distressing human rights tragedies in the Americas has been the decades of conflict and abuse in Colombia. The statistics are staggering. Highest number of internally displaced people in the world. Most dangerous country on the planet to be a trade unionist. Amidst an enduring crisis that has impacted virtually every part of Colombian society, the plight of the country’s Indigenous peoples is particularly harrowing.

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I think it’s very important for people to be critical of the Institutions they participate, and the power relationships involved in them.

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On 19 August, Colombian farmers' organisations initiated a massive nationwide strike. They blocked roads, dumped milk on cars and basically stopped producing food for the cities. The problem? Farmers are being driven out of existence by the government's policies.  

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Ignored by English-language media, rural uprisings spread across industries as hundreds of thousands protest US-backed govt By, Sarah Lazare, staff writer for Common Dreams

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In a press release on August 18, 2013, the final day of the  Popular Tribunal on the Extractive Industry Practices in Colombia, the Colombian Redher network published the jury's final verdict. A complete document will be made public soon in order to bring to light the whole of incriminating evidence that supports this popular judgment. The companies on trial at the Tribunal were generally accused of:

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