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On November 2, 2013, in the city of Villavicencio, Brother DARIO CARDENAS, Vice President of USO (META), was arrested under a warrant from the First Criminal Court of Villavicencio, in which he is accused of “obstruction of public roadways, arson, and aggravated damage to property.”

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Diego Melo Foreigners and citizens often think of Colombia as a land of paradoxes. Though the country is filled with natural resources and biodiversity, it was recently ranked third most unequal in the region. Colombians in the streets commonly wonder: “why are we so poor if our land is so rich?”

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The National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC) and the regional organizations subsidiaries we categorically reject stigmatizations, harassment, threats, constraints, illegal detentions, aggression and human rights violations and offenses to the International Humanitarian Law that have taken place at the Social, Indigenous and Popular Minga, For Life, Territory, Autonomy and Sovereignty by the National Government.

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  Two days after initiating La Minga Social y Popular in the entire territory of Colombia, the indigenous peoples who are spread out across the territory will maintain, as of now, in an atmosphere of prolonged peaceful protest in order to achieve a true defense of Life, Autonomy, and Sovereignty.

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Indigenous organizing groups partnered with student activists and other populist social movements Tuesday for a national mobilization to mark the start of indefinite protests. According to Richar Leguizamo, Director of Communications at the National Organization of Indigenous Colombians (ONIC), roughly 120,000 indigenous protesters alone have taken to the streets since late Monday afternoon, with major demonstrations taking place in 17 states throughout the country.

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The National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC) hereby informs all competent bodies of grave attacks that have been launched against two of its member organizations: the Regional Indigenous Organization of the Valley del Cauca (ORIVAC) and the Association of Indigenous Councils of the Pacific Region Valley (ACIVA RP)

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Action alert for the protection of the popular indigenous peoples Social minga for life, territory, autonomy, and sovereignty which includes the regional indigenous council of caldas (cridec), valley regional indigenous organization in cauca (orivac) association of the valley of pacific region (indigenous councils aciva rp), regional indigenous organization of quindio (oriquin) risaralda regional indigenous council (crires) and association of indigenous embera wounaan katío chamí; tule choco department (asorewa) and regional indigenous organization of casanare (oric).

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