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Write on line to denounce the arrests The UNION SINDICAL OBRERA DE LA INDUSTRIA DEL PETROLEO (USO) denounces the latest series of arrests that occurred on December 4, 2013, those of CAMPO ELIAS ORTIZ, JOSE DILIO NARANJO, and HECTOR SANCHEZ, who were workers and union leaders in intermediary companies contracted by PACIFIC RUBIALES in the Department of Meta. These events follow the arrest of DARIO CARDENAS, vice president of USO’s Meta Division several weeks ago.

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The Oil Industry Workers Union (USO) condemns the detention of its companions today. CAMPO ELIAS ORTIZ, HECTOR SANCHEZ and JOSE DILIO NARANJO, workers and union leaders of the Department of Meta, were deprived of their freedom because of the worker protests in 2011 and 2012 en the municipal of Puerto Gaitán and who worked in businesses against multinational PACIFIC RUBIALES.

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Context: Community of Pitalito, Colombia, ordered to leave weeks after returning to their lands Sign on line

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In an exciting development in the corporate accountability world, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, for the first time in its history, will directly consider the question: can a corporation’s home country be held liable for the actions of that corporation abroad, or for failing to provide a remedy to its victims?

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A week-long strike held in many agricultural regions of Colombia this past August has strengthened the country’s network of farm movements, particularly after the strike was harshly repressed and at least 12 activists were murdered by police and military forces. The results of the strike will be discussed at the fourth national meeting of the Coordinador Nacional Agrario (CNA), from the 18th to the 22nd of November 2013 in San Lorenzo, a village in the southern state of Nariño.

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Solidarity Across Borders is organizing a two-day conference to discuss and share strategies about building and reinforcing local networks of mutual aid and support, as well as assuring access to free and quality services related to health, education, food, housing, shelters and more, for non-status migrants and all residents of Montreal. We’re inviting local community members, organizers, activists and all people interested in this topic.Workshop-Discussions-Panels during the weekend:

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In what has been referred to as the conflict’s other agenda, the Colombian government, led by Juan Manuel, Santos, has begun a bloody persecution against popular organizations using security and military groups. At the same time, in a clear collaboration with this strategy, semi-official forces are assassinating and displacing hundreds of Colombians in many areas of the country.

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Last week, Nestlé workers in Colombia began a hunger strike to force the multinational company to enter into discussions with the Sinaltrainal trade union. For several months , Nestlé has refused. Instead of seeking a solution to the conflict, Nestlé aggravates the situation by launching dangerous accusations against the union. On Saturday, November 9th 2013, a trade unionist was murdered. Petition addressed to the Director General of Nestlé:

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On November 2, 2013, in the city of Villavicencio, Brother DARIO CARDENAS, Vice President of USO (META), was arrested under a warrant from the First Criminal Court of Villavicencio, in which he is accused of “obstruction of public roadways, arson, and aggravated damage to property.”

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Sign online Small-scale campesino farmer and community leader, César Garcia, who had been opposing the development of a gold mining project in Cajamarca, Colombia, has been killed by an unknown gunman. There is a grave fear for security of other community leaders in the region.

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