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You are invited to join us in solidarity as part of the CARAVAN FOR THE DEFENCE OF THE LAND, which will be leaving Bogotá, Colombia next August 19, 2014 for the municipality of Samaniego, in the southern department of Nariño. This area has been impacted by intense militarlisation and mining concessions made to the multinational company ANGLO GOLD ASHANTI. The goal of the CARAVAN is to collect evidence and document the situation faced by the inhabitants of this area.

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On April 26, 2014, hundreds of residents from the department Casanare gathered in Trinidad, Casanare for a public hearing on the on the environmental and human rights impacts of oil exploitation. Senator Iván Cepeda presided over the hearing, and a number of government officials attended. They listened to the testimonies of community members, who presented instances of human rights violations and environmental damage due to petroleum extraction by multinational companies like Talisman Energy.  

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Over 3000 participants gathered for more than a month along one of the main Colombian transport routes, close to the city of Aguachica. After several rounds of negotiations with government representatives the feeling of not being taken seriously grew enough to undertake actions on the road. On September 27th the protestors clashed with ESMAD (Mobile Anti-Disturbance Squadron, rich has a reputation for violence) resulting in severe head injuries and bullet wound. The whole spiral of Colombian protests started as an effect of various perceived foreign pressure.

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The first hearing on Latin America will take place in Montréal from May 29th to June 1st, 2014.   To read the Charges PPT – Session on the Canadian Mining Industry- Latin America -May 2014 Programme of the Latin American Hearing

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Read the accusation sent for the Latin American hearing

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High-altitude neotropical ecosystems known as páramos are increasingly at risk in Colombia and elsewhere in South America as major mining companies seek to exploit rich deposits of gold and other minerals. Such projects, scientists warn, could have serious impacts on critical water supplies. by chris kraul

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May 1st, 2014, 6PM SHARP Parc des Faubourgs, (corner of de Lorimier and Ontario) BE ON TIME AND BE PREPARED TO MOVE FAST!  Capitalism destroys our lives, let's destroy capitalism!   To feed its insatiable thirst for wealth accumulation, capitalism slaughters the planet through the savage illimited extraction of our

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Faced with the barbarity which we have witnessed, the murder of members of our community by paramilitaries since November of last year through today, before the terror that we live daily, the 800 families who live in 500 homes in the Nayero Bridge sector San Francisco, in the La Playita area of Buenaventura, Colombia, we have declared our territory as Living Space, Protection Area and Humanitarian Zone.

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 “The dialogue with the government will continue, but with the mobilizations,” stated Marylén Serna, spokesperson of Congreso de los Pueblos who participated in the meeting in the Nariño Palace with the President of the Republic. The announced strike will not only be realized from the campesino sector: it will involve diverse social sectors and it already has broad political support.

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