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Four people in Montreal have locked themselves to the gates at SUNCOR oil refinery in the city's east end. In a release issued this morning, the demonstrators explained that their action is to counter the reversal of Enbridge's Line 9B oil pipeline. The reversal in the pipeline's flow will bring bitumen from the Alberta tar sands east, through including through Montreal, for eventual export.

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News letter for the "Canadian War Profiteers in Colombia' s campaign"

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On August 27, 2014, the Caravan for the Defense of Territory in Nariño presented a preliminary report to local authorities and medias in Nariño’s capital city of Pasto.  The Caravan, comprised of over 20 Colombian and international organizations, travelled for 7 days in different small towns and villages in the south of Nariño through the municipalities of Samaniego and Tuquerres.

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The Colombian armed forces, with 281,400 military personnel, are the second largest army in all of Latin America, surpassed only by Brazil. Added to that are the 159,000 members of the National Police, a militarised police force that reports to the Ministry of Defence. In Colombia there are 6.2 soldiers per one thousand inhabitants, a ratio almost four times that of Brazil.

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As Colombia marks the International Day of the Disappeared, another unionist has been killed.                              Oil sector workers on a strike in Oct. 2011 Union leader Edith Santos, from the oil sector, was shot dead on Fridayabout 130 kilometers from the capital Bogota, said official sources on Friday.

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Since july 1st the "Justice Denied" Team started to film in Medellin, Segovia, Bucararmanga interviwing, experts, affected communities, and mobilized organizations.

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      A meeting in Popayán, capital of the Cauca department, was the excuse for learning about a complex and violent reality.

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