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Heroes Do Exist in Colombia was the name of the first major military propaganda campaign rolled out during ex-president Alvaro Uribe's (2002-2010) Democratic Security Policy. The government's publicists reached for the hearts and minds of Colombians using emotional narratives of war and by constructing an image of the military based on the figure of hero and protector of a population vulnerable in the face of a guerrilla insurgency.

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Fault Lines investigates the threats facing Colombian farmers struggling to return to their land.   The stakes have never been higher in Colombia. As landmark peace talks continue with the rebel FARC group, the government is also trying to return land to the millions of people displaced by the conflict. But despite attempts at land reform-the issue that started the war decades ago-people are still being driven off their land by right-wing paramilitaries that the government says are gone, making a lasting peace seem unlikely.

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With the water supply of millions of people at risk, we urge the ministry to publish details of the demarcation and ensure that this fragile ecosystem remains free of large-scale mining operations

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Coal mining leads to elevated risks of "black lung" and other respiratory diseases. Illustration by Mika Barrington-Bush London, UK—When many Canadians think about their pensions, they think about a long-deserved break, a chance to relax, a well-earned "thank you" for a lifetime of hard work. But the money that funds their monthly retirement cheques is dirtier than they realize, with links to some of the most destructive and polluting companies in the world.

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Two days: Saturday, May 24 & Sunday, May 25 10am-5pm on both days The Anarchist Bookfair will take place in two buildings across from each other in Parc Vinet: - Centre Culturel Georges-Vanier (CCGV), 2450 rue Workman - Centre d’éducation populaire de la Petite-Bourgogne et de St-Henri (CEDA), 2515 rue Delisle A short walk from Lionel-Groulx metro.  

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Dans le cadre de la Journée internationale pour l’élimination de la discrimination raciale à l’anniversaire de la massacre de Sharpeville en Afrique du Sud en 1960.  Déclaration communautaire : « Ensemble contre la Charte xénophobe »   Nous nous opposons à la Charte des valeurs québécoises (maintenant le projet de loi 60) qui est proposée.  

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This weekend over 4,000 delegates, activists, and leaders from different departments, sectors and organizations in Colombia will converge in Bogotá to discuss issues facing the agrarian and popular sectors. 

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A grassroots community research conference / workshops, panels and art at Concordia, McGill & UQÀM MARCH 20-23, 2014 - A grassroots undergraduate and community research conference - Featuring contributions to social and environmental justice research by students, community organizers, and artists - Workshops, Panels and Art at Concordia, McGill and UQÀM - Free & welcome to all!

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On February 17th, Colombian oil sector workers Campo Elías Ortiz, Héctor Sánchez and José Dilio Naranjo were granted parole awaiting trial.

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