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Declaration of the 13 detainees for internationalists comrades and the Colombian diaspora .

We have received your photos and messages. Your posters and gestures of support bring smiles to our faces at a time when the justice department is trying to send us to jail. The messages we have received from friends in the Southern Cone and all the way to Europe have given us strength and resolve.   On Thursday, 22 July 2015, while our legal counsel were pointing out the many inconsistencies in the government’s case, we were able to share with them some of the many images of international solidarity that we received in the last two weeks.

A letter from Paola A. Salgado Piedrahíta, Lorena Romo Muñoz and Liseth Acosta Friends from el Congreso de los Pueblo, detained by the Colombian Regime Bogotá


The strength of women:

“The old human work is about to try to catch the light. Will you remember that we believed being able to light the night?
Time has drained us all from our space, but the darkness is still full of fireflies”

Today again they called us terrorists. Today again we have been put in the same place of the lords of death and ignominy. Today they insist in pointing us as extremely dangerous people.

Why the US Government is pushing for the liberation of “Simón Trinidad” of the FARC-EP

The lawyer of “Simón Trinidad,” the chief of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia –FARC- currently imprisoned in the United States, announced that the negotiations for the liberation of his defendant have advanced to “high-level talks” between the Colombian government and the United States government. The Uribismo (far right political line) and the sectors opposed to the peace process are strongly against these negotiations, but the primary efforts for the liberation of the guerrilla chief are being pushed for by delegates of President Barack Obama.

Colombia: multinationals on 'trial' for rights abuses


An activist tribunal dubbed the Ethical Trial against Plunder (Juicio Ético contra el Despojo) was held in Bogotá over the weekend to air testimony against the practices of multinational gold firm Anglo Ahshanti (AGA) and oil giant Pacific Rubiales Energy (PRE). More than 500 representatives from across Colombia convened in the capital's central folk-crafts market, the 

Indigenous leader receives death threats from paramilitaries


An indigenous leader from the southwest of Colombia has received death threats from paramilitaries, reported local media Sunday.

The leader from the Association of Indigenous Councils of Northern Cauca (ACIN), Feliciano Valencia, was alerted by indigenous authorities Saturday that a group of paramilitaries claiming to be the officially-demobilized AUC (United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia) made threats against his life.

Neo-paramilitaries promise “social cleansing” in Colombia’s southwest


The neo-paramilitary network Aguilas Negras (Black Eagles) issued pamphlets on Friday threatening “FARC symphatizers” with “social cleansing” in Colombia’s southwestern Cauca department.

“The time for social cleansing in northern Cauca has come,” began the pamphlet distributed  in the Cauca municipalities of Miranda, Caloto and Corinto.

Aguilas panfletoThe three municipalities are considered to be strongholds of left-wing FARC rebels.

“It Could Happen to Any of Us”: Deadly Attacks Against Colombian Human Rights Defenders


“It’s hard for us to do human rights work where we are. We have to hide what we are doing so they don’t watch us. Our comings and goings are monitored.  Our emails are monitored.  Our leaders are in a permanent state of stress, not just for themselves but for their children. It was hard for us to even get out to talk to you.”