Since july 1st the "Justice Denied" Team started to film in Medellin, Segovia, Bucararmanga interviwing, experts, affected communities, and mobilized organizations.
Justice Denied is a web-based documentary series profiling three pivotal cases of foreign-funded mining exploitation in Colombia, in collaboration with MISN and Projet Accompagnement Solidarité Colombie (PASC). Those video will showcase how these resource extraction projects are related to the violence experienced by numerous union leaders and local activists who are victims of assassinations, threats and intimidation for their work. The videos will also serve as tools to put pressure on Canadian-based mining companies to be accountable for their actions abroad.
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Project researcher Zoe Pepper-Cunningham and I have just arrived in Bucaramanga after an exciting and informative visit to Segovia; where the Canadian-based multinational Gran Colombia Gold has been operating for over 4 years.
Communities in Segovia have been practicing traditional mining for hundreds of years. They are strongly tied to the gold that sits under their houses, streets, and entire town. Residents of Segovia are not opposed to mining, in fact their economic stability relies on the rich gold deposits. However they want mining done in a safe, responsible, and sustainable way.
We've met amazing, courageous people who have inspired us to continue with the project. People whose lives, families, livelihoods and human rights are threatened by larger economic interests often tied to these Canadian-based companies and militarized groups. More than ever I see the need to share these stories in a respectful and responsible way. Please help us spread the word about this project by sharing it with your networks.
Zoe interviews retired miner, who has seen unfair changes in labour practices after Gran Colombia Gold started operating.
The bitter cold was a marked contrast after the warmth in Bucaramanga. After interviews in hot, humid offices, we made our way to the Paramo Santurban - mountainous wetlands that supply fresh water to over 2 million Colombians – a magical place threatened by multinational interests.
There we met Gustavo and Nidia, two campesinos who depend on the Paramo for their daily needs, and defend it from invasive multinational mining projects such as Eco-Oro's proposed mine.
Both Gustavo and Nidia acknowledge their livelihood is not the only thing at stake, but that protecting these wetlands benefits neighbours at the bottom of the mountains. To hear their story, and to help tell it, please share our crowd-funding project with your networks and friends.
Thank you for your continued interest and support!
"Justice Denied" Team