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I 75 - Possible Paramilitary Intrigues, FAMILY OF ENRIQUE PETRO IN DANGER

Ground report 75 Recalling that since the 8th of April 2006 the families of Curvarado, accompanied by Jusictia y Paz and PASC have been building a new Humanitarian Zone on land owned by Don Enrique Petro, member of the collective territory of Curvarado. A land which had been illegally sown with palm since the forced displacement. Recalling also that this fact is no longer in legal dispute, the Columbian government having recognized (in response to an urgent action) that this land legally and legitimately belongs to Enrique Petro.

I 71 - Intimidation, threats against the people of the Humanitarian Zones and from the Reservation Zone

The warnings, intimidations, and pressure of the XVII Brigade military units and police agents, the business owners and armed civilians against the inhabitants of the Humanitarian Zone of Curvarado were frequent since mid-April when farmers returned to Curvarado after 10 years of forced displacement.