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Business leader seeks hired killer, ordering assassinations of Ligia Maria Chaverra and Manuel Denis Blandon.

In spite of recognition of collective land ownership, deforestation, expansion of cattle ranching and palm planting and fruit extraction continue FRANCISCO SANTOS Vice President of the Republic CARLOS HOLGUN SARDI Minister of the Interior FERNANDO ARAUJO Minister of Foreign Relations JUAN LOZANO Minister of the Environment MARIO IGUARAN ARANA Federal Prosecutor EDGARDO MAYA VILLAZON Attorney General VOLMAR PEREZ Nacional People’s Ombudsman JULIO CESAR TURBAY QUINTERO Controller General

Justicia y Paz member stalked

Context: The Project Accompaniment and Solidarity Colombia (PASC) works with the Justice and Peace Commission (Justicia y Paz) to defend and to assert the rights of the Afro-Colombian communities of Curvarado and Jiguamiando who suffered a forced displacement in 1997 during a joint military operation of the National Army and paramilitary groups. We support the struggle for the reclamation of their lands, sown illegally with African Palm plantations, by accompanying the communities who engage in civil resistance.

S.O.S. for the communities of Catatumbo

The Association for the Promotion of Social Alternatives, MINGA, the Progresar Foundation and the Committee of Social Integration in Catatumbo, CISCA, denounce before the national and international community the aggravation of the human rights crisis in the Catatumbo region, Norte de Santander department (province), resulting from the atrocities committed by presumed members of public forces against the peasant farming communities.

I 81 Paramilitary assault against community leaders of the regions of Caño Manso and Curvaradó


Cano Manso leaders received gunshot wounds during an operation in Belén de Bajirá

Reminder: Afro-Colombian communities of the Curvarado and Jiguamiando underwent a forced displacement in 1997during a joint operation by the national army and paramilitary forces. The return of the communities to their land, now covered in African Palm tree plantations, is currently taking place under the menace of the paramilitary and the inaction of government authorities.



While they protect palm extraction, the “demobilized” ‘AGUILAS NEGRAS’ THREATEN ENRIQUE PETRO AND HIS FAMILY WITH MURDER

Since April 2006, the Humanitarian Zone of Caño Claro in Curvaradó, Chocó, has been situated on the land of Enrique Petro, member of the Community Council of Curvaradó, in the midst of African Palm plantations.

Summary of recent events