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This is the latest issue of our trilingual journal The Stone in the Shoe, released in Spring 2010. In this issue: - Liliana Obando: A new witch-hunt against the Political Opposition in Colombia - Extradition : War on terrorism and drug trafficking ? - Sept ans de "sécurité démocratique"...

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40th PARLIAMENT, 3rd SESSION.Standing Committee on International Trade EVIDENCE # 1600, Tuesday, May 25, 2010   Ms. Dawn Paley (Journalist, As an Individual): Thank you for inviting me here this afternoon. My name is Dawn Paley and I'm a journalist based in Vancouver. I've travelled to Colombia twice, for a total of about three months, and I've spent a great deal of time researching Canada's relationship with Colombia from here.

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Visitors subjected to degrading searches at “Buen Pastor” women’s prison in Bogotá The International Network in Solidarity with all Colombian Political Prisoners, INSPP supports the call for action initiated by the Political Prisoners held at The Buen Pastor Women's Prison and supported by Beyond the Walls.

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If CSIS comes knocking... A community advisory from the People's Commission Network Updated May 2010 - Montreal

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In this article, we describe Canada as a mineable power. At a domestic level, laws controlling this activity are extremely permissive and political authorities provide multiple supports to this field. For this reason, we determine the Canadian Miner-State jurisdiction, in other words, a State permitting a mineable oligarchy enrichment placing the state machine at its service. Canada, an international mineable leader, is searching to spread its own pattern beyond its frontiers.

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We are responding to calls for solidarity from people throughout the hemisphere resisting the Canadian mining industry, people who are struggling for a better world and for a model of development that is autonomous, sustainable and democratic. We come together as solidarity organizations to defend human life and mother earth, to coordinate the struggle against the mining industry in the continent, to create the necessary strategies to forward this struggle, and construct a basis of unity.

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MONTREAL ANARCHIST BOOKFAIR 2010 MAY 29-30, 10am-5pm at the CEDA, 2515 rue Delisle (a short walk from Lionel-Groulx metro) FREE.

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