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The recent publication of the book by Alfredo Molano En Medio del Magdalena Medio offers us the the opportunity to look again at various issues of political importance in Colombia: social partnership as a mechanism of conflict resolution; African palm as an alternative for the country and the role of the World Bank.

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Published in The Stone in the Shoes, no 7 Women's Prison, Bogotá, Colombia.

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Published in The Stone in the Shoe, no7 By Efrain Guerrero Sanchez, political prisoner. More than 1,000 people extradited during the era of Colombian President Uribe: A mark of pride of which he boasts regularly. A matter of nostalgia for thousands of families who have had to suffer the uprooting of their loved ones. An embarrassment for the Colombian justice system which is not able or refuses to judge its own citizens.

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September 16th, 2010 In the morning of September 14th, the Comission of Justicia y Paz, an organization defending human rights, was informed that a concerted plan had been set up against them a few weeks ago. Stalking, telephone and electronic interceptions, the use of a smear campaign, a judiciary set-up and eventual attacks against life and physical integrity of members are part of the plan. This operation is settled in order to harm these human rights defenders: ABILO PEÑA, DANILO RUEDA and ALBERTO FRANCO.

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The territories that make up what is known today as Latin America have two main features in the eyes of big corporations and business conglomerates: they encompass vast areas of land, and they are a source of highly coveted commodities: wood, palm oil, commercial crops, meat, wool, raw materials for agrofuels, genetic resources, land, water. As such, they are a magnet for big capital.

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The famous Human Rights leader spoke with El Espectador during a gathering with Black communities in el Cauca.

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CCFTA among a host of initiatives that create "huge opportunities for easy profits"

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Five hundred years after the Conquest of America, the Spanish multinationals, with the support of diplomacy, international financial organizations and the media are controling the key sectors of the economies of American Latina. It's the second landing. Modernization, job creation, poverty reduction ... were only myths. The balance as any kind of impacts could not be more negative: environmental damage, population displacement, famine and shortcomings of privatized public services, deterioration of labor rights, human rights violations etc.  

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Canadian police have arrested over 900 people in Toronto in a police crackdown on protests at the G20 summit. Riot police used batons, plastic bullets and tear gas for the first time in the city’s history. More than 19,000 security personnel were deployed in Toronto, and a nearly four-mile-long security wall was erected around the G20 summit site at the Toronto Convention Center.

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