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P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }H4 { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }H4.cjk { font-family: "Arial Unicode MS",sans-serif; }H4.ctl { font-family: "Arial Unicode MS",sans-serif; }A:link { } Colombian trade unionists in Montreal Centre St-Pierre 1212, rue Panet, Montreal Beaudry metro station

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  Ground Report This afternoon, in the community of El Guamo, inside the collective territory of Curvarado, on land that is being ocupied ilegally by the palm company Palmadó, an hooded armed group was seen. Two days ago, they were also seen in the same place. The hooded mans left to go in direction of "No hay como Dios" community. 16 weeks before, an hooded armed group, carrying short and long guns and identifying themselves as paramilitaries, occupy for a couple days land of El Guamo village. Bogotá, March 30, 2013

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Colombia, FARC rebels say peace talks making progress on land reformColombia and the Marxist FARC rebels have made strides toward striking an accord on land reform, but still have disagreements to overcome, the government’s lead negotiator said on Thursday at the end of their latest round of peace talks. Former Vice President Humberto de la Calle said he hoped they could settle the issue quickly when they meet again starting on April 2 and move on to other topics in the latest bid to end the war, which has dragged on for nearly 50 years.

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P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } 5th annual LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN SOLIDARITY MONTH EVENT SERIES   COLOMBIA Labour and Indigenous Rights Solidarity Struggles Impacts of Canadian Extractive Industry Corporations   Wednesday, April 10th @ 6:30 pm Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) 250 Bloor St. West (Room# 5150) PRESENTERS:  

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SOLIDARITY AGAINST POLICE REPRESSION IN MONTREAL LET'S TAKE BACK THE STREETS TOGETHERDemonstration & Civil Disobedience Against Montreal's Anti-Protest "P-6" By-Law FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 6:00pm (arrive on-time & come with a friend) at Ste-Catherine and Berri, Parc Emilie-Gamelin (métro Berri-UQÀM) -> This is a family-friendly demonstration and a civil disobedience action.

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In the Colombian reality different companies are using the term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) so as to appear committed to society, the environment and economic growth.

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Download the PDF version The Profiteer's Bulletin - March 2013

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The Canadian oil company Enbridge has the largest oil pipeline grid in the world, which includes the oil pipeline between Canada and the United States. The company is also championing the 1177-km Northern Gateway megaproject in British Columbia, slated to carry Albertan tar sands oil to a deep-water port on the Pacific. The Northern Gateway project has been challenged in no uncertain terms by the region's Native communities since it is projected to run across their land.

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Published in "The Profiteer's Bulletin" march 2013 P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }A:link { }

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Published in "The Profiteer's Bulletin" march 2013

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