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This summer the PASC and members of the Red de Hermandad y Solidaridad con Colombia (Redher - Colombia Friendship and Solidarity Network) will be organizing a Popular Tribunal against Colombia's extractive industry policies.

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How transnational corporations use trade and investment treaties as powerful tools in disputes over oil, mining, and gas. / Como las empresas mineras transnacionales utilizan las reglas de los acuerdos de inversión y de comercio como poderosos instrumentos a su favor en las disputas por el petróleo, la minería y el gas. ENGLISH: CLICK HERE FOR FULL REPORT IN ENGLISH

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The US Office on Colombia is proud to announce the release of our latest report, Large-scale mining in Colombia: Human rights violations past, present and future.

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This is what can be taken away from a recent study by the Uniciencia Bucaramanga, a Colombian university, entitled 'Mining and Energy Policy: Analysis of the Case of Pacific Rubiales'. The report's author, Mario Alejandro Valencia, states, "Despite the fact that the base of Pacific Rubiales' wealth comes from the extraction of Colombian oil and gas, a large portion of it comes from financial speculation, an activity which results in zero investment for Colombia."

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[facebook :]   Saturday May 11th, 10am-5pm *free. welcome to all. *wheelchair accessible. *childcare available on-site. *Join us for a full day of introductory and in-depth workshops about anti-colonialism and resistance. -----   SCHEDULE OF WORKSHOPS:   *10am: The P.Q., colonialism, and current social movements in Quebec (room H-763 -- FR/EN)

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They came from all over Colombia, riding in buses and chivas, many from hundreds of kilometres away, to meet in Bogota under the slogan: “People building peace for a life of dignity.” The Congreso Para La Paz in Bogotá this weekend was the culmination of a long process of building a people’s agenda for peace. Over the last couple of months regional congresses were held all over Colombia to feed ideas and actions into this national congress, with the aim of contributing to peace in Colombia.

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As the world remains embroiled in a triple environmental, social, and economic crisis, the Colombian government has embarked on an ambitious plan to boost natural resource extraction. While the government is presenting its plan as a solution to these crises, unbridled exploitation of natural resources is actually one of the principal causes, particularly in the Colombian context. Meanwhile, Colombia’s social movements are struggling to establish a just and lasting peace that can put an end to the social, political, and armed conflict that has engulfed the country for more than 50 years.

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An Amazonian tribe has sent an urgent appeal to shareholders of Canadian-Colombian oil giant Pacific Rubiales to protect the lives of uncontacted Indians in Peru, whose survival is threatened by the company’s work on their land. In an urgent video message Salomon Dunu, a member of the Matsés tribe, said, ‘Our uncontacted brothers live in the forest, we have heard them many times so we know they exist… Tell the world that the Matsés are firm in our position against the oil company. We do not want it on our land.’

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The Committee for Fair Wages PASO had the opportunity to accompany public university workers who staged a wildcat strike beginning on February 20, shutting down the National University accross the country including the main campus in Bogota. The Committee for Fair Wages that is leading this campaign democratically represents members of several unions (including Sintraunal and Sintraunicol) as well as a significant number of non-union workers. The second largest campus in Medellin joined the strike two weeks later.

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