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As acknowledged today, a cartel of false testimonies declared yesterday that the well known afro-Colombian land claimant is intellectually responsible for the murder of Graciano Blandón and his son Manuel Moya, which was executed by the FARC.

Yesterday in the town of Carmen del Darién the false witnesses manifested their accusation.

Ligia Chaverra who is 74 years old, is one of the communitarian leaders that has been targeted by death threats, defamations and judicial conspiracies due to her legal reclamations before the forced displacement and violent eviction from her lands in favor of the agribusiness of palm, banana, yuca, coca and large scale cattle ranches in collective territories.

As stated for more than a year now, the general fiscally of the nation had several unfounded prosecutions against leaders of Curvaradó in process.
We expect that the fiscally acts with respect to the rule of law to avoid the loss of liberties which entrepreneurs, paramilitaries and militaries try to push through the judicial system as a measure of revenge.