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Wednesday July 1
7pm at Place Jacques Cartier
(Notre Dame and Jacques Cartier)

On July 1st, as the Canadian government prepares for celebrations in 2017 to mark 150 years since confederation, we will not forget:

THAT the foundation of Canada is based on the theft of resources and the illegal occupation of land belonging to Indigenous nations.
THAT all levels of the Canadian State, it's racist judicial system, it's legislators, it's police forces (municipal, provincial and federal), and it's citizens, have participated in what is today "officially"
recognized as genocide. It's a reality that Indigenous communities have known and resisted for centuries.
THAT the forces of Canadian capitalism depend on this theft and destruction of occupied Indigenous territory, both locally and globally.
THAT the gears of the Canadian economy are oiled by imperialist exploitation and the dispossession of people in the Global South, to the benefit of the Global North. Nearly 80% of the world's mining companies are based in Canada, their operations leaving social and ecological devastation in their wake.
THAT this same State claims authority over who can enter and exit it's colonial fortress, destroying the lives of individuals, families and communities through deportation and detention.
THAT these racist immigration policies make temporary migrant workers and undocumented residents the most isolated, vulnerable and exploited section of the working class in this country.
THAT migrant communities, Indigenous communities and communities of color have always been targeted and criminalized by the repressive arm of the Canadian State, and disproportionately caged in it's prisons.
THAT Muslims, particularly Muslim women, are the targets of Islamophobic rhetoric that is fostered by the Canadian government and are the subjects of continual harassment here in Quebec, and all over Canada.

THAT Indigenous and migrant communities have been waging front-line struggles against Canadian State violence since confederation.

ON JULY 1st, a day that celebrates this ongoing history of violence, death and trauma with a sense of pride and entitlement, we renew our commitment to resistance AGAINST CANADA AND ALL COLONIAL BORDERS as we cheer “Ni Patrie, Ni Etat, Ni Quebec, Ni Canada”!

Organized by the Anticolonial July 1st Committee.
We are settlers and migrants involved in anti-deportation, anticolonial, and anticapitalist struggles.
This demonstration is taking place on the traditional territory of the Kanien'keha:ka. The Kanien'keha:ka are the keepers of the Eastern Door of the Haundenosaunee Confederacy. The island called “Montreal” is known as Tiotia:ke in the language of the Kanien'keha:ka and it has historically been a meeting place for other indigenous nations, including the Algonquin peoples.

For us naming the territory we live on is also meant to remind us to learn and share stories about the places we inhabit. We want to point out that 2015 brings the 25th anniversary of the struggle in the Pines in Kahnasatake and the blockades of the Mercier bridge and barricades in Kahnawake, as well as the violent and racist settler reactions to these struggles in Montreal and the surrounding areas.