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Installing of the Autonomous Social Center Great support demonstration May 29th, 2009 – 5:30 pm In the St-Gabriel Park, next to CHARLEVOIX metro station, Montreal

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Published in [4strugglemag Views, Thoughts, and Analysis from the Hearts and Minds of North American Political Prisoners and Friends->] San Juan de Girón (Colombia)-2009 Colombia, a country increasingly to the right, has generated in a nightmare a dangerous monster with clear ‘neofascist’ tendencies whose morbid plan is sponsored by the narco-paramilitary Alvaro Uribe Velez and his cabinet of criminals in government.

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The National Movement for Victims of State Crimes (MOVICE) brings together victims of crimes of the state, defining victims as Colombian men and women affected by state violence. It is estimated that since the 1980s the Colombian state has been directly or indirectly responsible for around 70,000 deaths and disappearances. In its quest for Truth, Justice and Integrated Reparation MOVICE itself has suffered continued political persecution.

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An interview with Laura Carlsen, director of the Americas Program of the International Relations Center One of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s first major foreign visits after being elected in 2006 to his first minority government was to Latin America and the Caribbean. The trip aimed to promote a Canadian foreign policy focused on establishing "new partnerships in the Americas."

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Mobilizing against the Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement: ‘Shame on You’ for endorsing a murderous regime By La Chiva Collective (and friends) April 24, 2009

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From Colombia to Canada, State Crimes stays in impunity...

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URGENT ACTION: Stop the Canada-Colombia Free Trade AgreementOn March 26, the Canadian federal government tabled the text of the Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement and introduced implementing legislation in Parliament. From this date, deputies dispose of 21 days to debate its ratification…which means 21 days to convince them not to approve it! ACT NOW!!!On November 21, 2008, in Lima, Peru, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Colombian President Alvaro Uribe Velez signed a free trade agreement (FTA) between the tw

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“False Combat Kills are Crimes by the State” By Movice Statement from the Encounter of Relatives of Victims of Extrajudicial Executions in Colombia As the relatives of the victims of extrajudicial executions from different regions of the country gathered in the city of Bogotá on the 5th and 6th of March, 2009, WE DECLARE: 1.

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“United to Recover our Memory for a Colombia that does not Forget." National and international tribute to the victims of extrajudicial killings carried out by the Colombian armed forces. Known as “false positives”, civilians, normally peasant farmers or young people from the lowest income sectors of society, are assassinated and later presented as guerilla killed in combat in order to show them as deaths in the so-called “war against terrorism”.

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