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Audio podcast produced by PASC members about political prisonners issues in Colombia. Listen to Part 1 Listen to part 2 «They shamelessly apply the full weight of the law against us, the freedom fighters. We, the political prisoners, will not back down. We continue to fight alongside the people for fundamental rights and equality before the law. We persevere in breaking down the walls of silence that surround us with our declarations and denunciations»

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The Criminalization of social movements and the anti-terrorism crusade Listen to the podcast Thursday, November 5th 6:30 pm At Pavillon J-A-DeSève (DS) UQAM Room DS-1580 320 Sainte-Catherine street East As state-sponsored crimes are being increasingly normalized on a global scale, and national security is taking precedence over individual and collective rights, the media often plays a critical role in constructing public opinion by not distinguishing between popular resistance and terrorism.

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Poverty, Human Rights and Canada’s Role in the African Palm Oil Sector   Report prepared by Garry Leech for  Inter Pares, September 2009  

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International mission to verify the impact of agrofuel production on 5 zones affected by oil palm and sugarcane monocrops in Colombia.

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When Minister of International Trade Stockwell Day signed the Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in Peru on November 21, it was a happy day for Canada’s oil and gas sector, but the deal was celebrated by its signatories as a landmark for human rights and democracy in Colombia.

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Dans ce numéro spécial d’analyse sur les crimes d’État en Colombie :  La parapolitique en perspective : institutionalisation de la criminalité narco-paramilitaire  Colombie : État de droit ou État de fait ? Le projet agro-industriel de palme au Curvarado fait éclater au grand jour les entrelacements étroits entre fonctionnaires et entrepreneurs-paramilitaires

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Canada-Colombia FTA removed from legislative agenda: Canada steps towards dignity May 27, 2009 A joint statement from the La Chiva Collective, Pueblos en Camino, and Mingas-FTA Public pressure has forced a victory in the fight to stop the Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA).

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SHAME OR DIGNITY ? CANADIANS MUST ACT NOW! Bill C-23 debated this week - Write to Ignatieff We have learned that Canadian parliament start to debate Bill C-23, implementing legislation for the Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement, this Monday, May 25. The Liberal Party of Canada, and its new leader, Michael Ignatieff, have expressed their support for the Harper Conservatives on this issue and are on the verge of making a serious mistake.

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Pollinations (Polinizaciones) North America: Atlantic Coast Tour A BEE IN MONTREAL Beehive collective and PASC PRESENT On tour In Montreal as part of the Festival of Anarchy Saturday May 23rd 2009 Bar Populaire 6584 St Laurent 7pm Picture lecture 9pm Party

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Annual Meeting of Criminal Profiteers The International Economic Forum of the Americas Main Sponsor of this meeting in Montreal DESMARAIS, Paul Junior: President of the Board and co-chair of Power Corporation. ALBRIGHT, Madelaine: Ex-Secretary of State for the United States government. GURRIA, Angel: Secretary General of the Organization of Economic Development and Cooperation. ZOELLICK, Robert B: President of the World Bank Group. STRAUSS-KAHN, Dominique: Director General of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) URIBE VÉLEZ, Alvaro: President of Colombia, governs a brutally repressive

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