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Foreign direct investment (FDI) is pouring into Colombia. In the last six months FDI was $7 billion—equivalent to 91.4 percent more than in the same period last year, according to new figures released by the Central Bank. Most of the money (64 percent) is going to oil and mining exploitation. Despite the unprecedented possibilities of development and the promises of a better life for the communities located in coal, gold or copper areas or places with millions of barrels of oil and gas, the sudden arrival of new and powerful actors has generated unrest, distrust and fear.

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How much pain, dispossession, how many tears, disappearances, political prisoners and torture are needed for the world to stop its conspiratorial indulgence of the Colombian regime? The figures of those who have been killed, tortured, imprisoned and disappeared, as well as the impunity laws for paramilitaries, the submission to multinational corporations and continuous plunder clearly show the government's genocidal nature.  

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Oil worker protests could resume if talks fail: Union Colombia Reports | Friday, 14 October 2011 15:42 James Bargent

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End:Civ, Panel Discussion

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On October 15, people will take to the streets and public plazas the world over. We will show up at Square Victoria. From the Americas to Asia, from Africa to Europe, these people are taking action to reclaim their rights and demand real democracy. Time has come to unite in a global, non-violent protest. The powers that be work for the upper echelons while ignoring the will of the majority as well as the human and environmental costs we all suffer from. This intolerable situation has to end.

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15e formation annuelle à l’action en faveur des droits humains Quand ? Du 7 en soirée au 10 octobre 2011 Pour qui ? Pour des jeunes âgés de 18 à 35 ans Quoi ? Conférences, ateliers et documentation

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Two unions publicly rejected the draft labor agreement signed by striking oil workers in Colombia’s eastern Meta department and the petroleum company Pacific Rubiales, W Radio reported Tuesday. The Sindical Obrera Union (USO) and the United Workers Central (CUT) jointly spoke out against the deal, which stipulated the laborers’ return to the job in return for certain labor concessions.

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On October 7th, 2011, 168 scientists have warned on the so-called “biofuels” in a joint letter addressed to the EU. Energy derived from field crops is by no means environmentally friendly, despite the European Union’s claims.

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Ambassador Tim Martin Canadian Embassy in Colombia, Apartado Aéreo 110067 Bogotá, Colombia (011 57 1) 657 9912 Canada, October 7th 2011

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