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L'accompagnement comme démarche de solidarité est l'une des stratégies adoptée par le PASC depuis plus de 8 ans. Au fil des ans, plusieurs d'entre vous se sont familiarisés avec les conflits présents dans les régions où le PASC a fait des accompagnements.

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Au Guatemala, en Colombie, au Mexique, en Amérique latine, on harcèle, menace et assassine des gens qui s’opposent à l’exploitation minière canadienne sur leur territoire. En Amérique latine, des communautés se battent quotidiennement pour que l’on respecte leur mode de vie, leur environnement et leur santé. L’exploitation minière représente aujourd’hui un des plus grands conflits opposant les populations autochtones, les autorités et les entreprises des pays occidentaux.

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Approximately 4,000 employees of Colombia's Pacific Rubiales oil company went on strike Monday after labor and wage negotiations failed.

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Pittsburgh – Leo W. Gerard, International President of the United Steelworkers, today released an emergency alert transmitted to Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State, disclosing elevated death threats against labor leaders in Colombia.

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We, the Indigenous Authorities of the Cañamomo - Lomaprieta Rio Sucio y Supía (Caldas) denounce before State institutions and agencies addressing Human Rights, the Ministry of Interior and Justice, the Attorney general of the organization, International agency with Human rights mandate, NGOs and general public opinion :

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Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos has appointed Mauricio Cardenas as the country’s new mining and energy minister, a crucial position for Colombia’s future. As the price of coal and minerals keeps rising, the Colombian mining industry has prospered immensely, and Colombian miners are digging faster and deeper than ever before to bring cheap energy, gold and platinum to the world market.

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Mr. Carter Roberts President and CEO World Wildlife Fund 1250 24th Street, N.W. P.O. Box 97180 Washington, D.C. 20090-7180   Dear Mr. Roberts:  

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(IPS) - The constant violations of international humanitarian law in Colombia claimed the life of an 11-year-old indigenous girl a month ago in the mountains of the southwest province of Cauca.

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On 17 October 2011, the Special Rapporteur presented his third annual to the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. The Report provides a summary of the activities over the first three years of the Special Rapporteur's mandate.

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