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Toronto, ON, Canada

Toronto, Ontario - During the month of February 2012, over 13 grassroots organizations in Toronto collaborate to highlight the struggles towards progressive and democratic transformation processes taking place in Latin America and the Caribbean, and join efforts to organize a full month of activities aiming to engage the Canadian public on how to link theses struggles and processes to local ones and strengthen solidarity across borders.


2011 has seen some significant developments in the region as nations move toward closer economic and political integration with the creation of The Community of Latin American Caribbean States (CELA). Despite the global economic crisis gripping Europe and the United States, the Latin American region has managed to bypass the worst of the economic downturn brought about by austerity measures. Instead many countries in the region have chosen to increase social spending investing in healthcare, education, and infrastructure projects that benefit the majority of its citizens.


Despite some of these positive developments, many challenges still pose a threat to local and regional sustainable development in the region. These come in the form of Free Trade Agreements and Canada plays a leading role negotiating treaties that seek to boost corporate rights, weaken democratic rights and diminish public services, lower environmental standards, and foster violations to human rights.

With that in mind, join the Latin American and Caribbean Solidarity Network (LACSN) and its member organizations during this full month of solidarity activities and help us strengthen solidarity and change that transcends borders. Some of the activities include:


Inaugural Event:

Celebrating 13 Years of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela

When/Where: Saturday Feb 4th @ 5pm Friends House (Quaker Meeting House)


  • The struggle for free public education in Chile
  • Series of movie screenings and documentaries on Latin American struggles  
  • Interactive discussion examining indigenous concepts of “Living Well”
  • Solidarity and Social Justice Forum on Haiti
  • Workshops on Bill C-23 and Canadian Environmental injustice issues
  • Free Trade Agreements & resource extraction in the region
  • From Occupy to Brazilian Landless Workers Movements
  • Art, poetry and musical performances featuring local Latin artists


Closing Event/Party:

Live musical performances by Ruben(Beny) Esguerra and Luisito Orbegoso from Esguerra’s upcoming new album “A New Tradition”.  DJs eL man (Dos Mundos Radio) & no-capitalista.

When/Where: Saturday Feb 25th @ 9:30 pm, Vida Lounge, 1345 St. Clair Ave. West @ Lansdowne Ave


For additional information please visit the LACSN website or see attached list of events




 Events: February 2nd to February 29th 2012



FREE EDUCATION FOR EVERYONE: Public Forum with Chilean student Leader Camilo Ballesteros, Chilean Students’ Confederation

Sponsors: Casa Salvador Allende & LACSN, Latinas, Barrio Nuevo, CAW Local 2002, Latin American Trade Unionists Coalition & CERLAC.

Location: OISE, 252 Bloor St. West, Room 2-211

More information:



Celebrating 13 Years of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela

Official Launch of LACSN Solidarity Month

Presentations by Maria Páez de Victor and Camilo Cahis. Screening of documentary

“La Brújula Marca al Sur”. Launching a campaign in support of the re-election of President Hugo Chavez. Food, live music and dance.

Sponsors: CBLR-Bolivarian Circle Louis Riel, Hands Off Venezuela & LACSN

Location: Bloor Street United Church, 300 Bloor St. W.

More information:



Cuban Film Night: Toronto premier of “Habana Station” (2001), the new feature-length film by Cuban director Ian Padron featuring young actors Claudia Alvariño, Andy Fornaris, and Ernesto Escalona, members of the internationally known children's theatre company La Colmenita, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors.

Sponsors: LACSN & Cuban Consulate General of Toronto

Location: 5353 Bloor Street West, Suite 205

More information:


Thursday Feb 9th @ 7:00pm

Community Activist Panel on Bill C-323

Bill C-323 proposes to amend the Federal Courts Act to permit any person in the world to bring civil action against any company, entity or person for breaches of international human rights or international treaties to which Canada is a signatory. Presenters Christine Mettler, Marie Sydney, and Raul Burbano discuss significance of this bill and how we can create a campaign to push for the bill to be passed.

Organized by: Mining Injustice Solidarity Network, MISN

Location: Centre for Social Justice, 489 College Street

More information: or


FRIDAY FEBRUARY 10th @ 1:00pm

FREE EDUCATION FOR EVERYONE: Public Forum with Chilean student Leader Camilo Ballesteros, Chilean Students’ Confederation

Sponsors: Casa Salvador Allende & LACSN, Latinas, Barrio Nuevo, CAW Local 2002, Latin American Trade Unionists Coalition & CERLAC

Location: York University, Nat Taylor Cinema (102 Ross North)

More information: 2 | Latin American & Caribbean Solidarity Month



Coffee House: Music, Poetry & Cuban Landscape art exhibit at Casa Maiz

Sponsors: International Festival of Poetry in Resistance, LACSN & Casa Maiz

Location: Casa Maiz, 1280 Finch Ave, West, 2nd Floor

More Information:


SUNDAY FEBRUARY 12th @ 5:00pm

Chilean Film & Social

Screening the feature-length film by Director Andres Wood titled, “Violeta Se Fue A los Cielos” (2011), based on the life and music of renowned Chilean singer-songwriter Violeta Parra. The film is based on a book with the same name written by the singer’s son Angel Parra.

Organized by: Victor Jara Cultural Group & LACSN

Location: CUPE 4400, 1482 Bathurst Street, Suite 200

More information:



Stop Canada’s Environmental Injustice– Building for the Future –

A Conversation among movement activists

Challenges to Harper’s plans for more pipelines to export dirty Canadian tar-sands oil; opposition to mining injustice; protection of Ontario farmland from mega quarry destruction, safeguarding secure public water supplies, and more: environmentalists are active in many fields. Yet Canada’s government remains among the worst promoters of environmental injustice. As we approach the June 2012 Rio+20 world conference on sustainable development, how can we best advance our common struggle for environmental and climate justice in Canada and internationally? Sponsors: Common Frontiers, Toronto Bolivia Solidarity Network, LACSN

Location: OISE, 252 Bloor Street West, Room 2212


FRIDAY FEBRUARY 17th @ 7:00pm

Haiti: Solidarity and Social Justice Public Forum

Featuring speakers: Nicole Phillips [staff attorney for the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti, adjunct professor at University of San Francisco and assistant director for Haiti programs at the university] and Roger Annis [coordinator of the Canada Haiti Action Network in Vancouver and director of a ten-day fact-finding and solidarity mission to Haiti in June, 2011].

Sponsors: Internal Education and Political Development Committee and the International Solidarity Committee of the Greater Toronto Workers Assembly; Toronto Haiti Action Committee; LACSN.

Location: Steelworkers’ Hall, 25 Cecil St.

More information: or



Voces Politicas (Political Voices): Direct, Open Debate

The new constitutions of Ecuador and Bolivia entrench concepts for a different way of thinking about how humans should relate to each other, in a manner that should translate into a ¨good way of living or living well¨ (buen vivir o vivir bien). A discussion exploring these constitutional innovations and their significance for nation states, citizenry, Indigenous peoples and respect for the environment.

Sponsors: L@tinas

Location: Beit Zatoun House, 612 Markham St

More information: 3 | Latin American & Caribbean Solidarity Month


SUNDAY FEBRUARY 19th @ 7:00pm

Colombia: Mining Injustice Chronicles & Social Conflict Video & Discussion

Sponsors: Colombia Action Solidarity Alliance, an action group of OPIRG-Toronto & endorsed by LACSN.

Location: OISE, 252 Bloor St. West, Room # 2211

More information:

Colombian President Manuel Santos has made mining and resource extraction the central plank of the country's economy. Currently, 40% of the country's national territory is under mining permits and 52% of mining companies operating in Colombia are Canadian-financed.

 Join us for an afternoon of videos and discussion exploring the impacts of large-scale mining and resource extraction in Colombia and how communities are resisting and mobilizing to defend their rights and livelihoods.

This video program will help us to explore different perspectives regarding mining and natural resources exploitation in Colombia:

The first video is Black, directed by local Latin American artists: a short story of despair and desolation experienced by a displaced children living in one of Cali's poorest neighbourhood. This video helps us to present the problematic situation faced by Afro Colombians who are forced to live in big urban centres as a result of forced displacement.

The second video is UWA Indigenous People Opt For A Future Without Oil, produced by PBI. This video shows the UWA Indigenous peoples fight for their land and the conflict created by different groups that want to exploit their oil.

The third video is Marmato Gold Manger Crying Out, by Oscar Castaño Valencia. This long documentary presents how small-scale miners in Marmato, Caldas, organize peaceful to resist the planned open-pit gold mine by Canadian Multinational Medoro. We are presenting this video because it refers to the main topic of this program: the mining injustice in Colombia in relation with Canadian mining companies.



By Guillermina Buzio and Jorge Lozano

Short experimental

Spanish with English subtitles, 2007


UWA Indigenous People Opt For A Future

Without Oil

Produced by Peace Brigades International PBI,

Colombia Project

Short Documentary

Spanish and English, 2011


Marmato Gold Manger Crying Out /

Marmato Pesebre De Oro Que Grita

Produced by Orientate

Directed by Oscar Castaño Valencia

Long Documentary

Spanish with English subtitles, 2011



Public Forum Eroding Democracy & Sovereignty: Corporate Trade, Investment, Free Trade Agreements & Resource Extraction in the Americas

Featuring Manuel Pérez Rocha, Institute for Policy Studies in Washington and Professor Anna Zallik, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University.

Sponsors: LACSN

Location: Ryerson University, 78 Victoria, Room POD 250

More information:



From Occupy to the Brazilian Landless Workers Movement - A Discussion on Organizing

A roundtable discussion featuring speakers from a variety of experiences talking about different forms of organizing and the lessons we can take and apply here in Toronto. Presenters: The Occupy Toronto movement (Magdalena Diaz), The Brazilian Landless Workers Movement (Lucho Granados Ceja), Popular Education Collective in Chile (Camila Uribe Rosales), Trade unionism in Colombia (Rangel Ramos), Trade unionism in Canada (TBD)

Sponsors: the Education Sub-Committee of LATUC-Ontario. Endorsed by LACSN.

Location: OPSEU Office, 31 Wellesley St. East (across from Wellesley subway)

More information:



Closing Party

Featuring live musical performances by Ruben Beny Esguerra and Luisito Orbegoso

from Esguerra’s upcoming new album “A New Tradition”. Djs eL man (Dos Mundos Radio) & no-capitalista.

Sponsors: LACSN

Location: Vida Lounge, 1345 St. Clair Ave. West @ Lansdowne

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