From Colombia to Canada, State Crimes stays in impunity... Police brutality have no border...
Notice : Please note that PASC have absolutely no link with the creation or the existence of this web site. Nevertheless, we think it's important to publish it, since it inform the public about cases of violations of human rights commited by state forces, that are still in impunity.

Text from: From the shooting death of Anthony Griffin, 19, outside a police station in NDG in 1987, to last year’s death of Fredy Villaneuva, 18, at Parc Henri-Bourassa in Montreal-Nord, 43 individuals have been killed by the Montreal police. Whether by bullets, pepper spray, electric shocks, beatings (or, in one case, running over a youth with a police car) the Service de la Police de Montréal (SPVM), have acted with impunity. Police killings represent the most extreme form of their impunity. On a daily basis, Montreal police practice social and racial profiling, including intimidation and harassment of youth, the poor and marginalized, and visible minorities. Recently, a group of individuals remembered the 43 police killings on the streets of Montreal, with simple graffiti in neighborhoods all over the city: from Rivières-des-Prairies to Côte-des-Neiges, from downtown to Ville St-Laurent, every single individual whose life was cut short by the Montreal police was commemorated (as well as one graffiti for the 7 people whose names are not known). This website was created by an autonomous, independent and anonymous group of Montreal residents who are outraged by police brutality and impunity. We are not affiliated with any particular group, collective or coalition. Rather, we are a modest part of ongoing efforts to counter the police offensive against our communities, in support of grassroots initiatives. Over the next few weeks, we will also include texts and other information providing background and context to the police killings. (In particular, we will include excerpts from “D’Anthony Griffin à Mohamed Anas Bennis: Enquête sur 40 personnes tuées par la police de Montréal en 20 ans (1987-2006)” published by the Collective Opposed to Police Brutality (COBP). Please note: this website is in no way affiliated with COBP; their valuable document is widely available via public websites on the web). As the Montreal cops and their Fraternité (and the politicians who support them) attempt to justify police killings, deny racial profiling, derail public inquiries, and encourage measures that serve to increase police power and impunity, we stand with those who courageously and tirelessly confront police repression. Text from : www.flics-assassins.netNotice : Please note that PASC have absolutely no link with the creation or the existence of this web site. Nevertheless, we think it's important to publish it, since it inform the public about cases of violations of human rights commited by state forces, that are still in impunity.