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Labour and Indigenous Rights Solidarity Struggles

Impacts of Canadian Extractive Industry Corporations


Wednesday, April 10th @ 6:30 pm

Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)

250 Bloor St. West (Room# 5150)



MADELEINE CLEROUX: Union representative with the Central Region of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW). In 2004, Madeleine joined a group of union sisters who became involved in a Canadian Labour Congress program to sponsor refugees including families fleeing violence in Colombia. Madeleine visited Colombia in 2005 and recently in March 2013 as part of a “Front Lines Tour” exchange with Colombian public sector unions and community organizations including those impacted by displacement due to activities of Canadian mining companies.


KATHY PRICE: Coordinator-Campaign for the Rights and Survival of Indigenous Peoples in Colombia for Amnesty International Canada (English Speaking Branch). She has a long history of solidarity with organizations facing severe human rights violations in Colombia. For the past three years, Kathy has collaborated with partners at the National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC) to make visible in Canada the emergency situation facing Indigenous peoples identified by Colombia's highest court as being at risk of "extermination.


VIDEO SHORT: Interview with Francisco Ramirez Cuellar, President of FUNTRAMIENERGETICA, the federation of Colombian energy sectors unions, during a 2012 Toronto protest against Canadian mining giant Barrick Gold.


Organized by: Colombian Action Solidarity Alliance (CASA).

Sponsored by: the Latin American and Caribbean Solidarity Network (LACSN).

For the most updated list of events, visit our website at

If you are interested in collaborating and participating, please contact us at


APRIL 2013 is the 5th annual Latin America & Caribbean Solidarity Month!! We intend to honour the life and achievements of President Hugo Chávez in reflecting on and building the themes for this year which are peace, justice and solidarity.Through this initiative we aim to create places of convergence that challenge the current paradigm while exploring alternatives through reflection, discussion, debate and critical engagement. We will explore local and international issues while, at the same time, build solidarity with the social movements and progressive governments of Latin America and the Caribbean.