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Installing of the Autonomous Social Center

Great support demonstration

May 29th, 2009 – 5:30 pm In the St-Gabriel Park, next to CHARLEVOIX metro station, Montreal

The ASC is finally moving into an abandoned building in Point-St-Charles in order to pursue and extend its social, cultural and political activities. Anyone concerned with the creation of spaces liberated at last from the road roller of colonizing condo construction projects in our neighbourhoods is invited to this great festive, family-friendly and blazing demonstration. For security reasons, the ASC will remain closed for the first night, but the street will have to vibe with our presence. This is a crucial hour, and only a significant balance of forces in our favour will ensure its success! Program for the night: Circus, brass band, choral songs, street animation… The massive and joyous take-over of a space deserted by its owners, and setting up one of the first ASCs in North America! IT’S TIME TO ACT & SHOW OUR SUPPORT! [WWW.CENTRESOCIALAUTOGERE.ORG-> WWW.CENTRESOCIALAUTOGERE.ORG]