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Afro-Colombian leader assassinated in Nariño Last monday, Afro-Colombian leader Gilmer Genaro García Ramírez was assassinated. He was head of the Community Council of Alto Mira and Frontera. His assassination happened in the rural zone of the municipality of Tumaco in the department of Nariño, located in the south-west of Colombia. The National Afro-Colombian Council for Peace -Compa- made a strong call demanding that the acts of war against the social leaders be stopped.

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saturday august 22nd 7pm at La Déferle, 1407 Valois // RAISING FUNDS // to bring people from to “MONTREAL” (Tiotia:ke ~ unceded Kanien’keha: ka territoty) to //CANADA’S CHEMICAL VALLEY TOXIC TOUR// in AAMJIWNAANG FIRST NATION (Anishinaabe-ojibwe territory) featuring LIVE PAINTING and ART FOR SALE by UNCEDED VOICES ARTISTS ****(artists TBA)**** PERFORMANCES BY ****Pith and the Parenchymas****

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"Mining Orgy" - excellent 42 min. video on impacts of mining in four regions of Colombia   The documentary "Mining Orgy" was produced by Corporación Podion and the Red Nacional en Democracia y Paz (RNDP), in association with Censat Agua Viva and the Observatorio Colombiano de Políticas Públicas (OCOPOLIS)   The rather 'unusual' title is based on a quote by one of the experts interviewed (Álvaro Pardo at 23:14 min.

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We have received your photos and messages. Your posters and gestures of support bring smiles to our faces at a time when the justice department is trying to send us to jail. The messages we have received from friends in the Southern Cone and all the way to Europe have given us strength and resolve.   On Thursday, 22 July 2015, while our legal counsel were pointing out the many inconsistencies in the government’s case, we were able to share with them some of the many images of international solidarity that we received in the last two weeks.

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The strength of women: “The old human work is about to try to catch the light. Will you remember that we believed being able to light the night? Time has drained us all from our space, but the darkness is still full of fireflies” Today again they called us terrorists. Today again we have been put in the same place of the lords of death and ignominy. Today they insist in pointing us as extremely dangerous people.

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The Call Of the East Kamouraska Camp would like to invite anyone interested in fighting the extraction and transportation of fossil fuels to meet and create allyships from July 31st to August 9th. The location will be disclosed a few days prior to the event, on our website ( The first camp assembly will be held on August 1st.

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Sign online P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; direction: ltr; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); widows: 2; orphans: 2; }

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Wednesday July 1 7pm at Place Jacques Cartier (Notre Dame and Jacques Cartier) On July 1st, as the Canadian government prepares for celebrations in 2017 to mark 150 years since confederation, we will not forget:

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On June 2, the House of Representatives passed one of the grand initiatives of the women’s movement, The Rosa Elvira Celis Law. This law classifies and condemns femicides with sentences of 20-50 years in prison, without the right to reduce the sentence. With 104 for and 3 against, the law, whose name commemorates a victim of gender violence, defines femicide as “the violent killing of a woman for being a women, in the public or private sphere” and it is classified as a separate offense. In order for it to take effect, it must be signed by President Juan Manuel Santos.

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P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; direction: ltr; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: "Arial",sans-serif; font-size: 11pt; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 115%; text-align: left; widows: 2; orphans: 2; text-decoration: none; page-break-before: auto; page-break-after: auto; } Context   Although the government of Juan Manuel Santos preaches a discourse of post-conflict and pro-peace on a national and international level, in the territories, the lives and most basic human rights continue to be threatened.  

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