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Colombia Solidarity and Accompaniment Project (PASC) and Umi Café proudly present:

Stories from Ground Zero: Grassroots struggle against a Paramilitary Regime

Analysing Canada's role in a human rights disaster


************************* Umi Café 610 Somerset St. W, Ottawa Sunday, November 9th. 5 PM to 7 PM. *************************

What are the effects of state terrorism in Colombia? How can we understand the political context of Colombia outside of the mainstream media in North America? Who are the armed actors, and what threat do they represent for the civilian populations? What is Canada's role in doing business in Colombia, by supporting a paramilitary and military regime and adding to the associated social and environmental consequences? Everyone is welcome to this free event. It will be followed by a discussion in English, French and Spanish. David Parker is an independent journalist and a member of the Projet Accompaniment and Solidarity Colombia (PASC), a Montreal-based collective that is building a network of direct solidarity with peasant communities in civil resistance in Colombia. Our demands are for the Right to Land, Life and Self-Determination. David was a PASC accompanier in Colombia in 2007. He is now a community radio news coordinator in Halifax and a member of the PASC collective.