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We demand that the appropriate authorities take immediate action to guarantee the security of marco 's colleagues that remain in close proximity to where the assassination took place.

Assassination of MARCO RIVADENEIRA, social and political leader in the departement of Putumayo, in Colombia, president of ASO-PUERTO ASÍS, PUTUMAYO

The network of Human rights of Putumayo, Piamonte - Cauca y Cofanía Jardines de Sucumbíos, Ipiales – Nariño Wishes to inform of and  denounce the homicide of comerade Marco  Rivadeneira, a political and social leader of Putumayo.
Today, March 19th 2020 at approximately 2:30 PM,  durring a meeting with campesinos in
Nueva Granada, Corredor Puerto Vega - Teteyé, puerto Asís, Three armed men in plainclothes approached and the removed comrade Marco's ribadeneira from the meeting.
Approximately 30 minutes after this happened, news arrived that he had be assisnated.

Marco was a recognized political and social leader of the peoples' Congress, Agrarian Nacional Coordinator and the president of the campesino association of  Puerto Asis_ ASOPUERTOASÍS

Developing news to follow

Red de DDHH del Putumayo, Piamonte Cauca y Cofanía Jardines de Sucumbíos Ipiales Nariño

19 de marzo de 2020