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Author of the “Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy” & six other books, Engler has been dubbed “one of the most important voices on the Canadian Left today” (Briarpatch), "Canada's version of Noam Chomsky" (Georgia Straight), “in the mould of I. F. Stone” (Globe and Mail). His books have been praised by Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Rick Salutin, Maude Barlow and many others.

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USO DELEGATES DIDN'T RECEIVED THEIR VISAS ON TIME . Colombian work union delegates will be visiting Montreal: Project Accompaniment and Solidarity Colombia (PASC) invites you to meet three representatives of the worker's union (USO-Union sindical obrera) invited by the Canadian Union of Communication, Energy and Paperworkers (CEP).  The delegates will be in Montreal to share their experience of the various struggles encountered against a Canadian oil company, Pacific Rubiales.

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Jhonel Cárdenas Castrillo is a communitarian leader, and the local president of the political party Polo Democrático Alternativo (Democratic Alternative Pole). He suffered an attempt of assassination last Friday, September 7th, at 6:30 pm. He  was home when an armed individual fired at him.  Fortunately Mr. Cárdenas wasn’t hit and was able to disarm the shooter who ran out of Mr.Cardenas’s house and escaped on a motorcycle which was driven by his accomplice.   The police in the municipality of Curumani, hometown of Mr. Cárdenas, are now aware of this episode.

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It’s no secret that Canadian mining companies are fanned out around the world. Conflicts linked to large-scale mining projects have come to the fore as some of the most intense social and environmental struggles in this hemisphere and beyond. But well outside of the headlines, another industry, one that purports to link Indigenous people internationally in order to benefit from resource extraction, has slowly taken off.

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CED-INS (Corporación para el Desarrollo y la Investigación Popular – Instituto Nacional Sindical) have launched a newsletter Lands and Conflict: Extractive Industries in Colombia. This is in a context in which, over recent years, huge swathes of land have been handed over by the government to multinationals in the extractive industries sector.

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Colombia stands before one of the potentially largest, most diversified mining booms in the world. Untold reserves of gold, coal, copper, silver and other metals and minerals are luring prospectors, geologists and extractive companies—mostly Canadian multinationals, which account for more than half the world's mining activity.

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  When: Saturday the 29th of September, 10 am-5 pm Where: the 7th floor of Hall, at Concordia University, 1455 boulevard de Maisonneuve West   The event will take place in two stages: a panel on Friday evening with indigenous women involved in resistance to colonialism, followed by an open forum on Saturday for sharing our strategies, with workshops and spaces for discussion.  If you already have a workshop you would like to present on Saturday, you will be able to propose it during the open forum.

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An indigenous leader from the southwest of Colombia has received death threats from paramilitaries, reported local media Sunday. The leader from the Association of Indigenous Councils of Northern Cauca (ACIN), Feliciano Valencia, was alerted by indigenous authorities Saturday that a group of paramilitaries claiming to be the officially-demobilized AUC (United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia) made threats against his life.

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The Committee for the Integration of the Colombian Massif (CIMA) denounces -- before regional, national and international human rights organizations -- the assassination of Luz Eneida Gómez. Ms. Gómez was 35 years old and the wife of community leader Oscar Díaz. Mr. Díaz is a member of the CIMA, as well as the Committee of Coffee Producers of the La Sierra Municipality, Cauca Department (province). FACTS:

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