Rally in front of the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa
Wednesday, May 6, 2009 from 12:00 to 2:30 pm
Let's make sure our MPs in Parliament know that we refuse Canada's complicity with the regime of terror in Colombia!!!Transportation is free or by donationBUSES LEAVE FROM SHERBROOKE AT 8h a.m. in front of of 147 rue Wellington Sud, on the corner of rue Ball (RAJ)
at the corner of St-Catherine and Atwater
To reserve a seat in the bus of Sos-Colombia, call Fabian in Montreal tel: 514- 344 3515 Cell: 514 -621-5906 Sherbrooke Mauricio 819-580-3103
Bring music, signs and creativity !
On Thursday, March 26th, the Harper government delivered to Parliament the Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement as well as the accompanying implementation law. Ignoring all concerns and criticisms, the Conservative government is pursuing the process of the ratification of the Free Trade Agreement. The vote on ratification could be imminent!
Sign this petition and circulate widely: (it will be brought to Parliament on May 6, 2009)http://www.mesopinions.com/Violations-des-Droits-humains- en-Colombie-Refusons-le-Traite-de-Libre-echange-Canada-Colombie-petition-petit ions-c5d70bd81d26758cb8cd130f4 c9401d3.html
If you havn't done it yet write to your MP!
To find out more: http://www.pasc.ca/spip.php? article425