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#EmergenciaHumanitaria pour le démentelement des structures paramilitaire @CPueblos_Col  et @CNA_Colombia  se mobilisent !

Peasant communities, Afro and Indigenous peoples, workers, women, youth, students, urban popular sectors, human rights defenders, and environmentalists, among others, have mobilized today on several highways and cities in the country. Their objective is to denounce the presence of paramilitary groups in the territories, the ongoing genocide, and the development of a counterinsurgency strategy against the people. We demand that the national security doctrine be reformed, as it currently conceives popular movements and political opposition to the regime as internal enemies.

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In 2016, the Canadian mining company Grand Colombia Gold (now Aris Mining) filed a US$700 million lawsuit against Colombia before ICSID[1], a private investment protection tribunal. The company claims that small-scale miners in the municipalities of Segovia and Marmato have invaded its mines, illegally extracting minerals and thus affecting the company's interests.

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We condemn the physical attack on Cajar’s lawyer, Santiago Salinas Miranda, and the harassment against members of this human rights organization Bogotá, January 10th, 2024 The José Alvear Restrepo Lawyers’ Collective (Cajar) denounces to the public opinion and the national and international community that the organization’s lawyer, Santiago Salinas Miranda, was the victim of a physical attack on Monday, January 8th. The attack was carried out by two women who had harassed other members of this human rights organization in the past.

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Since 7 October, Israel has escalated its raids across Palestinian towns and villages in the West Bank, arresting dozens of Palestinians daily. There are reports that Palestinian citizens have been arrested over social media posts. After 7 October, Israel revoked the work permits of Palestinian workers from the Gaza Strip, and thousands were arrested. An order was issued to consider these Gazans “unlawful combatants” in order to hold them for an unlimited amount of time without effective judicial review. Thus, Israel has more than doubled the number of Palestinian prisoners since 7 October.

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In the enduring spirit of resistance, our commitment remains steadfast For Palestine, for the martyrs who have sacrificed their lives, for the indomitable spirit of Gaza, for the five thousand Palestinian prisoners, for the global political prisoners, for those unwavering on the path of resistance and justice, for the oppressed and their unwavering resilience, and for humanity's liberation from the clutches of imperialism. 

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One year after Gustavo Petro became president of Colombia, paramilitarism continues to challenge the authority of the state and represents one of the most serious threats to the Total Peace project that the Colombian president has made one of the main focuses of his government.

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Olimpo Cardenas, member of the national committee of participation and the Peoples Congress, said that the agreement between the ELN and the Colombian government won't be like the one signed by the FARC.

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MORE THAN 60 HOURS OF PROTEST AGAINST THE MURDER OF OUR UNION LEADER IS REPRESSED BY ECOPETROL. As we have reported, since last Sunday, September 11, the leadership of the Unión Sindical Obrera - USO began a day of protest in rejection of the heinous murder of our comrade leader of the Barrancabermeja Branch, Sibaris Lamprea Vargas, 42 years old, who was murdered on the night of September 10 by hired assassins who hit him with 5 shots.

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On April 28, 2022, it will be one year since the massive strike that shook Colombia in 2021. Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets for months against the neoliberal and repressive policies of the state. In addition to the collective euphoria of this moment, the sites of mobilization generated solidarity and very strong local self-organization.

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Different organizations, movements, peoples and individuals, who believe in a dignified and just Colombia, declare a Humanitarian Emergency. We invite you to join this initiative, which seeks the following objectives:

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